ITT: Post your age & favourite film, others judge accordingly

ITT: Post your age & favourite film, others judge accordingly.

19, Rebel Without a Cause

Other urls found in this thread:


8 1/2, Rules of the Game, Close-Up

thanks grandpa

Just trying to keep your thread afloat, son. You're my favorite boy.

I appreciate the sentiment, lets fuck

He looks like a fag. I bet he sucked dicks in hiding


He sucked brandos dick

19, pic related

this was one of my favorites when I was around 14-15. I try to watch it now and can't make it 20 minutes in without turning it off

24, Magic Mike XXL



my nigga


hard to pick a 'favorite' but i relaly really like the maltese falcon

I was hugely disappointed by The Maltese Falcon. I thought it was pretty corny to be honest, The Big Sleep is so much better


Snatch, maybe

21 - Brazil (1985)

26, blade runner


Rosemary's Baby

Really??? That's bizarre. I love the maltese falcon in part because it stays away from many of the corny archetypes of noir. I watched The Big Sleep a couple months ago and I remember i cringed pretty hard in a few scenes namely: both book store scenes, the first nympo daughter scene and the final scene where he saves Vivian.

That being said I get it preferring the big sleep, it hits the noir elements a lot better and makes an overall more compelling story. But I'm a a sucker for tight stories and the maltese falcon is the most non-bullshit movie i've ever seen.

Don't get me wrong, noir is one of my favorite genres, but some of the tropes piss me off. For one, the stories are so confusing even after seeing them 2-3 times i still can't make any sense of them. I get that th'at spart of the appeal (putting you in the shoes of the detective), but something about not figuring out the story makes all the confusing ones blend together and i can barely remembe which is whcih.

Anyways, The Maltese Falcon is a really great movie: a solid mystery with surprising twists and well arranged reveals, it has an exceptional cast, everyone is memorble and the cinematography is borders that line of objective//artstic that i personally love.

t. drunk user

>Rebel Without a Cause


18, Marketa Lazarová

21 wew

ghostbusters (2016)


My wife's son likes that one too.


i know it's flawed but i've never had such feels before

It's hardly a flawed film, just a simple deconstruction and anti-Ford here and there and you have people calling it bigoted/racist, ffs..

Godfather II


The tagline doesn't represent this film at all. Maybe that works in it's favor though, because it crushes every expectation you'll have of a gangster movie. I've never seen them the same way since.

You're a cool guy, or gay

It's flawed in the sense that Ford's love for comfy and corny slice of life shit often goes against how dark and driven the rest of the narrative is.

The wedding plot is great on it's own but feels out of place sometimes.

>It's flawed in the sense that Ford's love for comfy and corny slice of life shit often goes against how dark and driven the rest of the narrative is.

A movie doesnt have to be one thing all the time. Thats why the koreans make such good movies.

22, Love Exposure

it's a 10
the last scene always rustles my feelies

>Thats why the koreans make such good movies.
but they don't, user

get out


Many people like this movie mainly for the amazing scenarios and cinematography, but I loved it because of the acting and dialogues.


>Empire Strikes Back


26, Die Hard

20 and pic related


21 Pulp Fiction

I'm iffy on it in concept, but Alec Guinness and Anthony Quinn make great Arabs.

22 male

21, right now it's Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut


Boogie nights

Jake Peralta?


19, male.

whats wrong with rwac?

oh, wow, one good movie
compare them to japan or taiwan now

not the guy you quoted but it was good for its time, but it didn't age good

no young person should have it as his personal movie

18, male

The Wicker Man (1973)


Shit, forgot age. I'm 25.

ya. he raped someone


>all these people picking horror movies
That's a meme I will never understand, do people like you exist in real life?

statutory rape isn't real rape

But yeah, even though he was acquitted the trial put an end to his stardom. He started drinking more and mostly appeared in B-movies after that. Nevertheless a great actor with an incomparable screen presence

16, The Boondock Saints and Donnie Darko

some horror movies are pretty god-tier tho

18, Eyes Wide Shut

It's not bad, but I think it's a bit over the top on two fronts

One, Dean cries fucking constantly. I know being a teenager is about being unreasonably emotional but less than ten minutes into the film he's sobbing uncontrollably

Two, the theme of the emotional stress of adolescence is lessened when he has to deal with so much actual heavy shit in that one day. A classmate dies and he nearly dies himself, he is in a knife fight, chased by thugs, his friend has an gay Oedipal complex for him and is eventually killed by the police. I'd be crying over that too if that was my night.

It makes for great melodrama but I didn't think it was the best screen depiction of teenagers like people say

34, there will be blood

51, "apocalypse now"

>I didn't think it was the best screen depiction of teenagers like people say
It's a fact that Fast Times at Ridgemont High is the best screen depiction of teenagers


Akira and The Jungle Book.

35, Harsh Times

79, "Badlands"

"Kids" is pretty spot on.


The Art of Vision


This or doctor strangelove, 20


You're tearing me apart Lisa!

18, Bronson

28, The Thing

Literally "I want to be manly but I still live with my mom so I'll watch this movie and that will tell me all the secrets"



Back to jewddit nigger

I wish i remembered anything about that movie but i watched it like 13 years ago.

Oops, meant born in '79




Friendly reminder that if you are 21+ and still on Sup Forums you should neck yourself

>Friendly reminder that if you are 21+ and still on Sup Forums you should neck yourself

congratulations on turning 20, you'll still be here next year and beyond.

How about I neck kiss you instead baby?

I am 18 you egg

don't call me an egg you cabbage.

34 Alien

I am not a faggot sorry

Do you want to be one? ;-)

Nope, i hope your parents put you to sleep degenerate

I like it when you talk rough with me