I got banned for a day on Sup Forums for posting this

I got banned for a day on Sup Forums for posting this

But banned for 3 days for shitting on Nintendo

Are v/ mods really this fucking gay?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, post more


artist name is zp92


>jacking off to cartoons
>calling others gay






Bump, it's s/fur thread now












Should be banned from here too you fucking faggot

Im srry, I know you really liked Breath of the Wild drone











>golden zebra

She's not golden, dummy. It's light from bonfire

i know but i like the idea


No, YOU'RE gay for posting pictures of erotic cartoons, you sad cunt.
You're a disappointment to everyone that knows you.


Did you post this first, and follow up with shitting on Nintendo?
Did you not change your IP?























no not that game







Oh shit, thanks, user.

>mfw I just realized I saved vore a while ago
>mfw I was just talking about not wanting another weird fetish yesterday
>mfw no face
Welp. Guess I'm a vorefag now.

ya know, its hip to fuck bees

Nothing wrong with that.

Damn right.

>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
no furry porn off of /b retard

I just don't really get it, and it's always been one of those fringe fetishes for me; not fucked up, but still pretty damn weird. But I guess I like it, and I'm getting bored of everything else anyway.




It's a worksafe board numbnuts.


Wow, you're on early!


Why would you break the rules on purpose? Is nice to see the mods actually doing their job for once

Is us being fags everyday damaging? I don't feel it is maybe possibly, should we even fucking care?

Insomnia is a bitch. Also a fucking cockroach has invaded my territory, and I don't know where the bastard went. Not sleeping until I stomp it's guts out

Stronk doesn't need sleep or roaches!

The stronk absolutely need sleep. Without sleep, they don't grow and get stronker.


Mind over matter, dude, Mind over Matter.

Yeah, I'm trying to get mentally stronk in addition to being physically stronk.

That's good. But I myself need sleep. Checked everything again and didn't see him. Still sleeping with my boots on and my knife beside me, just in case. Not taking any chances with those repulsive abominations.

Since we're the only ones here, could you please give me a few dragonshafts?

Don't have any on my phone. Need sleep. Watch over me in case that motherfucker decides to ambush me in my sleep.

Sure will.


Femdwaggy needs snu snu.

I need smeargle

Need something painted, I guess?