I wanna fug the dad

I wanna fug the dad

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thats cool
dibs on molly quinn

she a qt

I still wanna fug the dad

i wanna fug best emma

Better than 2nd best Emma and Rachel tbqh

even if she was your sister?

I'm not really in the know, but what's a 'tripper?' Like, she does drugs?

She's gorgeous. Its a shame she's dating a shitskin

Specially if she was my sister.

> 2nd

I wanna fug my mom

>being a virgin male is as bad as being a drug dealer, a runaway teen or a stripper

Why do americans keep this IRL meme around?

Came into this thread for this. Well done, my famalam. You win.

You're right, being a virgin male is even worse.


To target the "gotta get laid" high school crowd

I don't get it either. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin.

this dude is right. Nothing wrong with being a virgin unless you ridiculously old like being 18 years old virgin

R-right haha of course I lost mine when I was 15 at a football game on the bleachers?

I just want to say two things to contribute to this thread:

1) I'm really, really attracted to Best Emma

2) Will Poulter turned out to be quite a respectable actor

You need to quit lying to yourself user

Thanks for the contribution, captain obvious

Only virgins think that.


>that makeout instruction scene

No problem fám

i like to mute it at the kissing scene and imagine they're a real family

I love this movie

Don't know what he's on about. Elan Gale is her bf. He's like 10 years older than her and makes The Bachelor, but he seems white to me

I was actually surprised this movie was as good as it was. I'd rate it a 6.5/10 and I was fully expecting a 4 or 5.

17 again was better fetish fuel

If you're a virgin over 18 you are a waste of resources. Just kill yourself

That's really narrow minded thinking

are you serious?
>come back home from school
>parents are out
>shes a slut who likes to cuddle while watching a movie
>halfway through it her slut instinct kicks in and she gets on top of you
>after that one time its a normal thing for emma to come to your room at night to "check up on you"
>"dad and mom are asleep " *wink*

so yes , even if she was my sister

It was actually decently funny and well entertaining tb hostess

literally nothing wrong with being a drug dealer or a runaway teen.

This. Hot daddy was only selling weed. literally did nothing wrong.

Please elaborate

I need this info for research purposes

Daughter tries to fug young daddy

You wouldn't happen to have the clip by any chance?

It's free on ondemand. It's not as good if you haven't seen everything leading up to it because the daughter ends up being written as just a phyco bitch. m.youtube.com/watch?v=WegRusBuk6k

This movie was pretty surprising, I was going in expecting something like that RV movie with robin williams but I was laughing my ass off the entire way through

I like how much sex apeal it had

I saw this at the theater with my cousins. We were literally in tears when the stripper shows them the tattoo that said "boner garage". Incidentally that's the only part of the film I remember, that and the makeout scene.


Good, I thought I was the only one. What are some other films with Sudeikis in them?

this post is good

don't fap to that

I fapped to the scene in the warehouse when Aniston was stripping

I don't think you're the only one

>Its a shame she's dating a shitskin
what are you talking about?

>being a virgin is as bad as being a drug dealer or stripper

american values

We've been through this already. Also, weed isn't hard core drugs so I don't really think it counts.

I think so. And what's so bad about being a rug dealer?

Isn't runawa an American Indian name?

What is with most normies saying Jennifer Aniston isn't that hot? Does anyone else hear that all the time?

that would make it even hotter genius

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck my age and I look better than him! Just poor and uninspired with no big hair :(

No, everyone says she's gorgeous. You must hang out with losers.

That's gross