Why do MDE fans assume anyone who doesn't find them funny or profound doesn't get em?

Why do MDE fans assume anyone who doesn't find them funny or profound doesn't get em?

Reminds me of Tim and Eric.

because they unironically believe its really deep and difficult to understand

why are you so preoccupied with this?

if tim and eric had down syndrome

Because of how many people get triggered

I don't. Why would MDE haters help shill the show?

i'll admit i don't get it

People pretend that Tim and Eric is some deep metaphorical comedy and if you don't like it you just don't get it.

its an attempt to silence criticism because they personally identify with mde and are offended when somebody calls it out for being unfunny crap

Watched world peace and a bunch of youtube videos, visited some threads to see what's about and this point got brought up a fuck ton of times. At least once every thread I've been to.

Not hating, just wonering.

why do people who are butthurt over MDE think it's supposed to be profound or there's something to get?

New episode of million dollar extreme world peace tonight

its somewhat more funny than mde

Why do people who aren't MDE fans keep making shitty threads like this every day to bait out retarded political drivel?

Episode 4 tonights episode is very funny

Why are so triggered? Your impotent rage is an MDE-sketch material!

people with nothing better to do complain about people with nothing better to do


with a hint of superiority over the other people with nothing better to do

try and keep up, this is Sup Forums

guess how mad and full of rage i am right now

The more important question is why would you even care?

Bojack Horseman fans are the same way

>you don't think this show is as good as **I** do?? Clearly you've never been DEPRESSED like ME

Give it a rest faggot.

because humor is subjective

why do mde haters make way more threads than fans?

we really dont. You guys seem to have no criticism beyond "it isnt deep". Everyone who hates it spouts some variation of "it isnt deep".

Because the point of MDE is for people to get offended because we've gotten too liberal or something, so when people just don't care or think it's stupid, fans can't gloat about how "stupid" everyone else is.

>i pretend to like unfunny shows because of their politics

its dumb =/= it isnt deep

>mfw mandela is alive

>I hate a show because of its politics

He's just part of the "i'm in high school and my sense of humor is superior" start kit

Why do the people who hate MDE always jump to things like "racism" "altright" and "misogyny" when they're attempting to sound objective and un-offended by the material?

>I mean i just saw the show, and im pretty a-political, but it just wasnt funny. The jokes werent good, i mean who would laugh at such racist things, anyone who defends this show is alt-right boogyman ideology which i cant help but point out because this show offended me but im going to pretend to judge it without prejudice so they might not immediate discredit my opinion.

ebin XD