ITT: Child actors who made it as adult actors

ITT: Child actors who made it as adult actors

this is Sup Forums
i don't know anything about actresses

I don't think Hilary Duff actually "made" it as an adult actor, she just never went off the deep end and takes good care of herself while taking the occasional tv role

she's not a star but she's on a TV show that just got renewed for a 4th season

Dunst counts, right?


>pic unrelated

My man Kurt

>it's a fridge waifu thread


posting some essential duffcore


Ryan is in shark movies. If that isn't "making it" then I don't know what is

>not posting her delicious hips to show up the OPs fridge waifu

How many times Dan raped the childs in his shows?

Best and worst Emma's

>lizzie mcguire

at least get your memes right you fucking retard

But sharks!


she's got good taste in shorts that make my dick hard


Came to this thread to say Christian Bale, but it' just some samefag posting an irrelevant fatty.

I think that's some model and not Ryan

what did she mean by this


Drug free and reasonably successful

She was much better looking when she was thicker. Her face got too weird.

"made it" as in she takes on smaller projects whenever she wants, is rich and isnt a mental case

literally jew perfection

based actor
