How does he not know what a common English word means?

How does he not know what a common English word means?

Other urls found in this thread:

Possibility: a kind of human behavior he was not designed to emulate

He could download the entire Oxford dictionary in a fraction of a microsecond.

Don't give me that crap

Need context OP

Data asked what the word "Rogue" means

Because "space, the final frontier" is actually Hell.


>It's a "Chad fucks half the crew on the Enterprise" episode



Watch that episode of the Animated Series, Lucifer is the good guy, Kirk and Spock save him. I wonder how the fuck they got away with it.

Roddenberry was telling us that jews worship satan

I particularly love Picard's condescending chuckle whenever data can't comprehend a basic human concept.

Darmok and Jaleel, at Tenagra

What did you meme by this?

A B, or not a B

Gilgamesh and Enkidu, at Uruk

Is this from the episode where they meet Not-Han Solo, and half the crew find it weird that he doesn't act like a stuffy robot?

I'm not following. Can someone help me out here? Throw me a bone for hell's sake

Temba, his arms wide

>not knowing a simple metaphor language
>letting your captain beam down potentially to his death to understand it


Shaka, when the wall fell

Why was Kirk so willing to trust him? Wouldn't pretending to be a good guy so that you let him loose in the universe be the sort of trick Satan would try to pull?

Hey buddy? You-a speak-a da English? I feel like I'm talking to a freakin' wall here

They speak in reference to past events, except they also speak english, and our advanced computers that can translate any language instantly somehow can't fathom communicating in metaphors.

why would it without some information about the history involved? it's not just random. picard tries to tell him that girugamesh story but he just looks spaced out.

I say this with pure 20/20 vision. I would not have understood it unless I saw the episode. Yet I would have immediately seen it as metaphor based upon what I was told as a child.

Gilgamesh, and his friend, fought a great beast, his frind died, he felt such sorrow.

Enkidu, the great wild man, took the beast, but died from his efforts.