Name me a director that started post 2000 that is actually good

Name me a director that started post 2000 that is actually good.

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Denis Villeneuve

August 32nd is '98

Jeff Nichols

Ben Wheatley.

Sean Durkin

This is literally the most admirable person of our time. Not even memeing.

I'm with you on that. Even so much as a year or two ago, nobody could have CONCEIVED that England would ever leave the European Union. Now that they have, England will toss the darkies out and become the glorious nation it once was. Nigel Farage made it happen.

You truly can't barrage the Farage.

Yorgos Lanthimos
Panos Cosmatos (guy who directed Beyond the Black Rainbow)

>England will toss the darkies out
nice wishful thinking britcuck, if they did, there wouldn't be soccer there anymore

no he's a cunt that ruined the uk


Surely there is one you like, though none of them come close to the glory of Lord Protector Farage.

Shane Carruth

Shane Black is an example. First direction in 2005. Only made three movies, two good plus Iron Man 3 for the shekels.

He's been making movies since the early 90s? And did you read the 'good' part?

>cunt that ruined the uk
I think you mean Tony Blair m8

uk has finally been uncucked, god bless nigel farage

>defied against an evil globalist corporation that would've imported millions of young men supporting Sharia law, strangled our freedom to trade and stolen our economy.
No, he totally ruined the UK.

You'll actually take more darkies, which is what Farrage has explicitly stated he wants. He wants immigrants from the Commonwealth rather than from the EU, which includes African countries, India etc.

Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu

Yeah I liked it when he dropped out the moment shit went down like a coward.


well meme'd matey :^)

Dropped out of what? He achieved what he set out to do. He would have literally no say in any of the negotiations going forward.

Xavier Dolan

Shane Carruth
Sean Baker