How is this guy even popular?

All he ever does is rant about shit everybody else is already ranting about, and yet he is the least articulate motherfucker I've ever come across

>Duh...this game I was looking forward to got canceled
>Uhh... dat fucking sucks
>Smacks fist together angrily
>Fuck Damn Shit Cunt
>I'll fuck you fanbois up cuz you bitch to much

Logic would say that this was inconceivable, and yet here he is racking in the views

Other urls found in this thread:

Manlets will never learn

Why do most retro game YouTubers look like retards

Severe autism

I can't stand to look at him. With all that hair he's gotta be dirty.

If he got a haircut he'd be just fine. He'd sorta look like some boring ass accountant. But instead he'd rather look like Richard the lion heart or some shit

nigga looks like he's being eaten up by one of those flesh eating viruses or something

you may be right

I have no idea what his followership is. Perhaps dumb metalheads or something, I don't know.

I've given his videos a chance, and in general I dislike them.

He does a lot of jumpcutting, he seems to use profanity where perhaps he could have actually articulated something, and his videos even on the things he likes are not very informative. Other reviewers/discussers/adbux accumulators just cover all of the bases he does, except better. He also, like Amazing Atheist, gets way too angry way too quick and seems to have on screen autism attacks.

Also I think his face is ugly as shit, but I can't fault him for that. I'm sure hes a nice enough guy, probably cool to hang out with, but his vidoes just aren't very good.

Hes not a pretty man, but his videos (what few I've seen) arent too bad. Still isn't LGR tier though.

He whines about SJW's but he then goes on to act like a SJW when a company does something 'wrong' or 'unethical' when it's completely legal. He's pretty much an idiot.

>He does a lot of jumpcutting
Tha majority of his videos have no jumpcuts at all though.

Who /GameSack/ here

Top comfy

Why is it that you can't listen to be Kiss and be normal? It's like their mutually exclusive

His face is disturbingly feminine actually. Shave the hair and give him some hormones and he would be a pretty passable trap

>Tha majority of his videos have no jumpcuts at all though

I could be misremembering then, or confusing him with someone else in regards to that. Still, jumpcutting is so annoying. Makes everything feel so irratic.


You're thinking of Razorfist

I know, it's like "Fucker, can you speak?" It makes you wonder what it would sound like without all the jump cuts. I imagine they would stumble over their words every sentence almost.

Could be but I've seen maybe 3 of his videos. Don't mind what I've seen, minus the jump cuts. I mean why jump cut when he is pretty clearly on a script?

go back to Sup Forumseddit retards

He kind of reminds me of Jewario. He's got the same hollow, lifeless eyes, almost as if he's barely holding on but could give up any second and off himself

>A 40yo who dress like an angsty teen from the 90s shouts all the time about cartoons, videogames and use the term "cuck" unironically

I still remember fondly his video when he was mad at Tim Heidecker

It's more /vr/ than Sup Forums

You can't even shitpost correctly

/v is wack as hell. If I want to see a 500 response thread of autistic shitfucks fighting over if the next Final Fantasy game is going to be good or not than sure, I'll have a fucking blast even.



Did you do that?


Its the same guy they are both made 8 minutes apart.
He is spamming this for months all over Sup Forums.
im just showing how new you are that you are replying to him.

his nose and eyes remind me of rosemary

I'm the OP and I've made this thread exactly one time. People have really been making this thread for a month?! Thats fucking wierd

I get the feeling metal jesus rocks is gay and possibly a crossdresser in real life. I'm not the type that cares, just a hypothesis I have about him. I like his videos and he seems like a nice person.

ok buddy you seem to enjoy your new found adventures but im here 7 years.
Good luck with the laughs and all there are plenty of gullible idiots here.
Dont forget to make this same thread again later today and tomorrow again.
Im out

cus the only way you're gonna be able to buy classique vidya is if you have the extra money and time from not having a wife and kids desu

He doesn't listen to Kiss, that's the real Ace Frehley. He doesn't have a lot going on these days.

I didnt get a crossdresser vibe from him, but definitely a gay vibe. Still, yeah, seems like a pretty nice guy and his videos aren't laden with FUCKSHITASSCUNT


He should consider taking that name

Short sweet and 100% on point

Why do these guys have the least creative usernames?
>Metal Jesus Rocks
>Pat the NES Punk

It's better to keep things simple and easy to remember than to get "creative" and come up with Butt Fuck Tentacle Rapist or something

Thats a weird looking dude