>A movie this studded with beautiful people, surreal visuals, necrophilia and bloodlust has no right to be this deadly dull.

>Pretentious and self-indulgent, it seems tailor-made to appeal to lovers of the obtuse and inscrutable until it takes a left-turn into schlocky, gore-drenched splatter imagery.

>Things go downhill rapidly as the movie descends into horror material that is laughably grotesque yet so visually cool it remains fatally unfunny.

>It is as sordid as it is entertainingly preposterous, as the director makes a misguided attempt at mansplaining the fashion world of Los Angeles.

>Refn's urge to shock drives him to push things too far.

>...another bit of psuedo-stylistic rubbish by Refn...a horror film that includes graphic scenes of perversions like necrophilia and cannibalism...mind-numbingly slow...and stomach-turningly disgusting. Why it's not rated NC-17 is puzzling.

Other urls found in this thread:

Typical plebeian critics not appreciating Refn for the aesthetic beauty in his work.

plebfilter: the movie

Can't ____ the REFN

Will I like this if I liked Valhalla Rising and Only God Forgives?



Wtf? If the directory was a woman wuold that faggot critic have given it a posative review?


>I use rotten tomatoes to enforce my opinion of a film

tbqhwy lads, Refn is my favorite director (because of OGF and Bleeder) and I though TND was kinda bad.
It feels like blue balls; as soon as it seems it begins to explore the dark side of LA and Jesse it just finishes

>people STILL can't appreciate the melodious beauty of Refn.
Only God Forgives and Neon Demon are godsends.

i've the same opinion

>Only God Forgives
Are there people that didn't like this movie? Based gosling.


>Elle Fanning

Casting this giraffe looking bitch was his first mistake.

these dickless critics have just convinced me to see this movie


I watched OGF expecting to hate it, and in the end I thought it was amazing, it was a movie with incredible direction and souch a mysterious subtle vibe to it.

I haven't seen TND yet, but I expect to feel the same way as OGF.

Neon Demon was pretty amazing in a cinema.


Place beyond the pines was also a good one of his. TNG does look like it will be good.

>people who get paid to write film reviews unironically use the word "mansplaining"

I though it was good, but it fell a little short of my expectations.

why are these people reviewing films?

ND, OGF or Drive?

torrent when?

Haven't seen ND yet, but Drive beats OGF

yeah, it ended too abruptly

My own pleb opinion

Drive > TND > OGF > Bronson > Valhalla rising

Drive > TND > OGF

In truth, all of those criticisms seem like positives to me,

OGF > Drive > TND

never forget that these are the same people who booed OGF at Cannes


For good reason.

it wasn't that bad

OGF>Drive=Bronson>Pusher III> Neon Demon> Pusher II > Valhalla Rising > Pusher I

what about pusher remake?

Haven't seen it. Wasn't NWR only executive producer though?

Style over Substance.

You haven't seen the film, have you?

>Style over Substance.

first of all this is not a flaw

second it's simply not true

try again

yeah he was. It was OK, but pretty much just bog standard chav getting himself in deep shit story with a cliffhanger ending that felt like something out of a trident gum commercial

no doubt user. go see it

>second it's simply not true

Come back to me when Refn learns how to tell a story. For fuck sake, even the thread has degenerated into a 'muh beautiful visuals' circlejerk.

Not at all
plebs love this flick

its tumblr: the movie

He does know how to tell a story though, OGF is the only film of his that didn't do it all that well, or rather it was just a normal revenge thriller with less dialogue to make it seem more original.

Not really. Look, I think the critics are going overboard because the film isn't nearly as bad as they claim to be. The story was thin, and if I wanted to watch someone do suspense/horror with great cinematography and creative use of color, I'd stay home and watch old Bava films.

>tumblr: the movie

you haven't even seen it

I have and I can guarantee I've seen it before you too.

whoa! a link to a letterboxd review! you must have seen it and be completely right about it.


Negative reviews make me want to watch something more. Too many shitty movies have been getting decent scores so I'm burned out on them.

>last part of the review is that the movie is too gross, totally valid reason for knocking points by the way
>after saying the movie is too dull
How does one get dully grossed out?

Fuck the critics. A good movie is a good movie doesn't matter if critics like it or not.

Ihave liked all of Refn's previous movies so it' very likely I'm gonna enjoy this one too.

We should all support filmmakers that make controversial, divisive movies that might upset some people and artistic vision is more important than pleasing certain demographics and ticking boxes or else all we're gonna get is capeshit and other shit like that.

It's cool that there's at least one filmmaker out there who gets inspired by guys like Bava or Argento


>people still don't realize that Refn's last three films are a trilogy on violent masculinity, emasculation and feminization respectively

I'm curious on what Armomd white review is on the neon demon. Did he hate it or love it?