Who is the best KotH character and why is it Dale?

Who is the best KotH character and why is it Dale?

Bill is better

wrong. bill is worse

Dale is awesome.

He's a paranoid redneck with liberal tendencies.

He's a stern republican but unemployed and under achieving like a democrat.

He's an alpha cuck

I like Hank the most but Bill is the most relateable

Khan is objectively the best character.

Cotton, Hank and Dale are god tier. Peggy is underrated, the character was made to piss the fuck out of you and they succeeded.

>Peggy is underrated
Couldn't agree more. The episode where she kidnaps a Mexican kid is GOAT.

just didn't watch the show eh?

Best episode?

For me it's easily "Bill's are made to be broken"

One of the few episodes where Bill gets a win

Minh becoming the president of the gun club is one of my favorites.
The one when they travel to New Orleans is also good.

>it's a Hank gets raped by a dolphin episode

I'm sorry user.

>unironically hardworking american blackface: the show

The thing that pisses me off most about KOTH is the fact that it goes out to other countries and people think this is a way to get to know what Americans are actually like, when we're arguably the most diverse white people out there when it comes to how we are.

nah, it's pretty accurate.

Dale is cool but a literal cuck

Hank is what we should all aspire to be

Bobby is our childhood

Cotton is our future

Boomhour is who we wish we were

King of the Hill is a show specifically about Texans, not Americans as a whole.

>1997+19 not naming Hank as the best character also bills funny but gets annoying after a while.

>"it's a ____ episode" greentext
>usually outlandish stuff that never actually happens in the show
>remember after a few seconds that there actually is an episode where hank gets legitimately raped by a dolphin

Dale=Clark Peters>Cotton>Hank's lawn>Hank=Bill>Khan>Buck Strickland>...........>Luanne>Lucky

>when we're arguably the most diverse white people out there when it comes to how we are

>It's a Rusty Shackleford assassinates the humble president of the local gun club because he can episode

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