"Soul Brotha too beaucoup"

"Soul Brotha too beaucoup"

What did she mean by this?

It's means all fucking niggers must fucking hang

he's talking about the BBC

white Americans have asian-tier tiny dicks while blacks have real cocks

that's proven to be a phallacy

t. butthurt gook


I'm black (not American)

She meant by this that asian pussy was literally made for white cock

My image is proof of aliens and totally not fictional

user I don't think you're getting the joke
read phallacy again

you still seem quite insecure about making sure everyone knows you have a horsecock though

t. insecure whiteboy with a babydick

t. butthurt gook

I'm black...

t. frogposting butthurt gook

Whycome does Africa have big penii when they're so malnourished?

>they're so malnourished
That's somalia, kenya and ethiopia and in the graph they have the smallest dongs of the continent

they don't, it's just a meme propagated by porn and lack of data throughout many parts of the world

And which african country is unstable at the best of times and in civil war every other day?

South Sudan

I'm not here to argue politics but these stuff aren't African People's fault

Which one doesn't have aids?

>tfw your hung aryan genes came through for you

Magyar pride.

>Which one doesn't have aids?

Lmao, you are mongol/slav hybrids

>Niggers on Sup Forums
What a terrible time to be alive.

Well it's their country and if they let other countries walk all over them it is their fault, the same way it's their fault for just standing around and letting their militia run wild.

this is surely just BLACKED posting

Success breeds jealousy.

That would be the case if all countries were equally powerful and rich

Your "argument" would also apply to a rape victim and you'll blame her for letting the guy walk over her

What success has hungary had?

Strength in numbers.

same kang you are

If the rape victim let the rapist do what they wanted without any resistance then yes, they're pathetic for not fighting and it's not rape if you don't say no.

More than Romania. :^)

Romanians are successful in the sense they have the worst gypsies in the world.

So, African countries let rich countries fuck them on purpose?

he was too big a guy for her

Who knows. What's clear is that the dictator of the day allows foreign countries to do what they want and the people don't fight back in any meaningful way.
There's no shame in being beaten down as long as you tried to fight back.

>and the people don't fight back

Nice trips satan

They were slaves for hundreds of years and required whites to fight a civil war for them.

They are dumb and lazy.

Every race was enslaved at some point

Even Jews (objectively the most intelligent people on Earth, just check the Nobel winners) were enslaved by many different peoples and during lot of centuries

>they are dumb
The IQ of a country can change a lot in 100 years, (just check countries like Finland) having a poor diet and bad education makes people dumb

Africans are too busy killing each other to do anything about rebuilding or getting the Chinese out of their countries

Or in the case of Africa, nothing happened in 100 years.

I get it

no one's picked up on the phallacy joke yet?