Where's a good place to talk about films that isn't filled with memes and Sup Forums?

Where's a good place to talk about films that isn't filled with memes and Sup Forums?




U r here 4ever and ever

>An Asian woman has never won the oscar for best actress. In the entire history of the academy awards, only one has ever even been nominated, and it was over 80 years ago, and that woman lied about her ancestry. Why is there such a massive absence of Asians in Hollywood, and will this ever be fixed?


>he thinks the cancer that is Sup Forums isn't 100% reddit

Hello, alt-right.

>criticizes reddit threads
>Sup Forums's catalogue meanwhile looks like literal shit

Your point being?

/po/ here
Anyone that self-identifies as alt-right is a Milo worshipping Redditor.

Is that a thread from r/truefilm? I don't go on re.ddit I've heard truefilm is a good place for movie discussion on Sup Forums. Just passing the word along.

imdb boards


>discussing the movie industry
>why no diversity ;(((

that at least they're discussing the movie industry instead of reposting the same old tired shit desu

Create /mig/ :^)

>Sup Forums - chloe moretz and baneposting

like half of reddit's front page is copy and pasted directly to Sup Forums

I don't know why I'm the only one who notices this.

because you're the only one who actually goes to reddit

See here Also, there's literally nothing wrong with Baneposting.

hi sam

>there's nothing wrong with beating a dead horse for four years straight
even facebook has a faster meme turnover

You say it's beating a dead horse, I say it's a timeless classic, Citizen Kane of memes.

This is unironically the best answer

that's one of the reasons why people notice you're retarded

Not an argument.
Anyway, I don't see why you use baneposting as a scapegoat. What prevents YOU from creating a quality thread amongst piles of shit?