i was in a very bad tv show

I am Bojack, a horse

Boreddit Mememan fans on suicide watch.


1 > 2 = 3

Do you think they made the outro song purposefully annoying so you'll quickly click on the next episode?

Also the lost in translation episode is the only redeemable episode of s3, and even half of the episode is just pure shit.

2 > 1 > > > > > > > 3

2 >>>>>>>>>> 1 >= 3

I have watched every episode of this and the christmas episode. Some episodes twice.

I honestly can't tell If I enjoy it or if my standards for animated programs are just incredibly low.

Why not both?

I like it a lot. Don't let the incessant hate-spewing wretches on this board tell you that you're not allowed to like things

Amazing show, love the characters.
But I don't let memes and other people's opinions decide my own, so I guess I shouldn't be here.

I'm with you, its a good show.

Prime example of the dipshits who like this show right here. They actually try to find ways to hold themselves superior for having bad taste. These guys genuinely believe they're above the roiling masses of Sup Forums just because they like bojack mememan.

>i dont let those opinions affect me. I'm an enlightened individual who can appreciate the emotional nuance of Bojack because I resonate with its portrayal of depression

Quick question bros. How many books have you read this year? I want to gauge the kind of intellectual ubermensch I'm dealing with here.

I never said I was a genius. Just simply that I don't let memes and other people's opinions decide my own. Which, let's face it, the majority of people here do... So, calm your autism, maybe?

Didnt say how many books you read either. I'm gonna go on the safe side and guess 0-2.

Well that's a strawman if I've ever seen one.

That's literally a line from the newest season, cuck.

>Hey Bojack, have solution
>No, I am le self destructive horse man
*sad music plays*

Copy and paste for every episode and every season.
>"It's just like real depression!"
Then real depression is predictable, boring and really easy to write for apparently.

>resonate with its portrayal of depression

It does a good job of showing how depressed narcissists (bojack) act or how fake "enlightened liberals" like Diane are.

You're literally mad at me for having an opinion different than yours.
But nah, reddit is a terrible site fill of retards. Stay autistic, buddy.

It's literally not.
The actual line is "I was in a not-successful TV show".

depression is repetitive

you make the same dumb mistakes over and over and nothing changes

Better make that just '0'

Whens the last time you've even picked up a book outside of school?

It has some really sharp writing

Yep. Just like the show. Very, very repetitive.
The comedy isn't enough to keep me interested.

The last 4 episodes of Seasons 1 and 2 are good. Everything else sucks.

>New York City!?

well don't watch it then

maybe you'd get the humor if you were older

1 > 2 = 3
that math doesn't make sendr

They're called trolls, don't bother responding mate.

intro song >>>>>> outro song

I especially love the word play they've had throughout the series. One of my favorites is The Hank Hippopopalous Hip-Hop Hypothesis. It's a smart show because of the variation in the type of humor it has.

On Sup Forums you can go to a new line with a single keystroke.
Only on Reddit you need to do it twice.

>The internet is an almost limitless number of websites
>I only post on one

Found the retard

Yes, my favorite joke is when they said a thing, and then they said "MORE LIKE" and then they said a pun involving the thing and some 90's reference. Very funny. That is the kind of humor that I like.

double spacing makes it easier to read you double nigger.

You seem to be an expert on reddit sentence formatting

I wouldn't know since I don't go to that shithole

Who is this Latvian gentleman?

I was using the word literally figuratively.


There are some real ass flustered anal pained people in here.

That's Sup Forums in every thread

Maybe we need those pedo feet threads back to calm this place down


Shut up Dan



