Is she the definition of overrated actress?

Is she the definition of overrated actress?

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I think her problem is being bding expected to be a method actress when she is just a star

nah, she's very good


No, she is great

I was just watching this:
Her acting is really cartoonish and that fake accent pissed me off.

Yes. I find the vast majority of her performances to be really cheesy.

She's honestly terrible but for comedy films that does make her perfect. She is a bad actress though, anything serious with her in is a joke

She's the American Helen Mirren, very overrated, both very shit

Not at all. But you are the definition of overrated user.

She's great for americans.

That's a pretty awful script to be honest

To be fair the play it's based off of is basically cartoonish and fake

Her Kiwi accent was pretty good though

Is there a non-overrated actress at all? I can't think of one with a genuinely great acting skill why I can name several male actors. They all just seem to be immemorable.

not really

he's one of the very few actually talented female actors

but she's a real turbo cunt, too

Ingrid Bergman

If you want alive, Juliette Binoche



she's one of*

This, Juliette Binoche is probably the best actor, male or female, working today

that's why we need feminism. perhaps matriarchy. so that really talented indiviuals like meryl could actually have a chance to live a life of success and not oppression from the system. You questioning the situation is actually a good start.

And she is ugly as fuck.