Why didn't George Bush get his own film?

Why didn't George Bush get his own film?

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>Obama overcame racial prejudice
>dubya fucking destroyed the Middle East with his daddy

I kept looking at the hem of her skirt expecting a giant black dick to dip into view.

watching the trailer for this literally made me ill

He literally did, from someone he went to college with no less.

It's called independence day

W. was an okay movie. That guy looks more like Cam Newton than Obama

He did

He did, retard.

Obama didn't overcome shit. He's had his entire life handed to him on a platter, just like every other US president except those before Lincoln.

He had his own movie.
Jeb was terrible though


Do they cover Michael's hormone replacement therapy in this?


That looks like the current mayor of London

Guy won an election on a night where "nigger" was searched on Google more than any other time in the history of the search engine. Don't imagine it's easy to overcome white racism

He did, though.

Is this any good or is it usual Oliver Stone garbage?

What does his poop smell like?

He did, but you were probably busy dealing with the stress of second grade at the time, so I get that it flew under your radar, OP.

Why did they hire a female actress to play Michelle?
That's transphobic!

I went in with an open heart and mind but this was awful. Stone has made one watchable movie in 25 years and that hadn't anything to do with him.

You might want to re-think if accumulating all that debt for a masters degree in journalism was worth it

Dude the only reason why he won is because he is black.

There were many black candidates before Obama. Shouldn't they have won if your thesis is correct?


No, since Obama ran in a time where liberalism and nigger-loving became trendy.

>Obama not played by a white guy

I'm literally triggered

How did those google searches affect him?

Farenheit 9/11 is Bush kino.

wut he did

An SJW would say cis, not "female"

How many of them received the party nomination before Barack? zero.

>Guy won an election on a night where "nigger" was searched on Google more than any other time in the history of the search engine

omg so oppressed and hard :(

*Imagine by John Lennon starts playing

>Obama overcame racial prejudice
Care to elucidate?

>using a woman in the role of a trans
Fucking bigots

>boring shitty movie we've seen over a million times about some milquetoast crying because someone called him a nigger

I'm glad faggots like you don't work in Hollywood.

and he won dumb fuck. he won TWIIICE. so kill yourself.

>Obama overcame racial prejudice

Obama CREATED MORE "racial prejudice" than any other president in history.

To be fair, he only won the second time because the GOP selected the most incompetant, out of touch faggot they could find as their candidate.

>search-engine has a high use of a liberal no-no word

I can't imagine being THIS fucking indoctrinated.

No that would be this year...

That's not truth. MT was a perfectly reasonable and fine candidate. A classic guy, really.

He had no competition, who would seriously vote for fucking Palin?

>implying all government funding wouldn't have been redirected to large scale excavations to find more super secret Jesus books

>get handed things because you're black
>""""overcoming prejudice""""

nice revisionism

That has nothing to do with the original point that he "overcame racism" but you appear to be dumb enough to believe anything. You're the perfect citizen--ready to be tricked into believing anything politicians, corporations and news outlets tell you.

He did, it's called Dumb and Dumber

actually the record was set in late 2006. not sure where you got your statistics from.


Nobody cares about white people

Oliver Stone made "W" which, like "Nixon", was done by Stone largely as an artistic challenge to make one of the most hated Presidents in the world seem likeable.

The backlash against "JFK" and to a lesser extent, "Natural Born Killers", really broke Stone in a lot of ways, as he started doing films on topics that would be natural for his his conspiracy/anti-conservative political beliefs but which were way more sympathetic to the individuals. Or in the case of his 9-11 movie, were played so straight, that they became by the books disaster porn devoid of substance of any kind.....

stone's notoriously uneven and a bit of a tit but jfk and natural born killers are masterworks of big-budget american cinema
