Can the stormfront niggers please leave this board? Thanks!

Can the stormfront niggers please leave this board? Thanks!

This. Fucking stormfront kikes.

I don't mind actually but they do get a bit annoying.

When will they realize that Sup Forums is a kosher board?

Anti-stormfront posters are just as annoying. Just look at this completely useless thread that's about to get filled with shitposts instead of talking about these sweet digits.

Nothing worse than those darn Kike Nazis I tells ya

>tfw alt right and extreme left are just two sides of the same coin
>all use the same tactics
>if you happen to post something they don't agree with they flood you
>can't discuss anything with them ever
>all they want is to ruin everything you like until you agree with them

It begins

Real National Socialists hate stormfags.


I'm tired
maybe this semen-slurping board isn't for me anymore

lmao check these

I disagree. This thread still ought to be deleted but I'd take it over repetitive Sup Forumsshit any day.

No one here is from stormfront. It isn't 2007.

how do we get rid of the Sup Forums and /r/thedonald teenagers without also enabling the moralfag normies like OP that scream and cry when someone posts "nigger"?

go back to Sup Forums

Look kids! It's an edgy special snowflake liberals want safe spaces episode!

What's that? You've already seen that episode a million times, and it's boring, pedantic, repetitive and unfunny? Can't say you're wrong.


>just as annoying
Disagree, you can't even discuss a movie with a black guy in it without insecure stormfront posters complaining about the guy's skin color. Sup Forums posters derail television and film discussion to talk about interracial marriage, crime statistics and Donald Trump.

>how do i browse Sup Forums and not get angry

hi there reddit-skibeat

>Defending Sup Forumsshit
>Can't even get dubs

A big fat mistake

*uznips fedora*
heh, let me tell you about the jews

All fucking niggers must fucking hang

Sup Forums is a board of peace, we also don't like stormfags.
tbqhwy they stay in their circlejerk threads most of the time.

if you don't think they're a minority, just find a stormfag thread on Sup Forums, I guarantee it has 250+ replies and less than 30 posters.


what an Epic post. nice Bait!

i think you're laying the derailing blame on the wrong shoulders. people trying to be edgy post about interracial marriage. Sup Forums kids just get triggered and sperg out at that. likewise, the anti-Sup Forums warriors sperg out when they see Sup Forums posts. it's literally two groups of hairtrigger ideologues getting chainbaited by obvious tryhard "trolls" and screaming about how it's the other side's fault the thread went to shit.

Remove anonymity. Require everyone who posts on Sup Forums to register using their real name, verified with a picture of their drivers license. The stormfags would clear out fast.

Fucking cultural marxist gook nigger kikes from STORMFRONT!

stormfags use the other chan

...yeeeah that defeats the entire purpose of this site so we're not doing that.

>she will NEVER castrate you with her teeth
just die in my sleep already
( ._.) ( ;_;)

i wish this would happen just because the site would permanently collapse over the course of a day and then i'd be free

If this post is dubs, stormfront/alt-right are faggots, now and forever.

No true scotsman, right?
Except Sup Forums posters bring up race shit whenever a black person gets cast in a film, they get triggered by nonwhite/nonasian people simply existing in media then proceed to bitch about it for entire threads.

t. Agent Johnson

You can't kill Sup Forums try to delete the board again and watch what happens

if dubs this guy has to spend the rest of his life playing professional badminton

>getting mad at Sup Forums

just call them out for being stormweenies and watch them cry, they're probably the easiest group of people to troll

>taking Sup Forums seriously

You realize that entire board is basically a mmorpg right?

I want Mook to delete Sup Forums so they can come to Sup Forums and purge the redditors. We might even be able to talk about film again.

>he wasn't here when Sup Forums got raped to oblivion and had to take shelter on /mlp/

Try lurking before posting newfriend

yeah I'm pretty sure there's more hardcore SJWs from tumblr here than actual fucking stormfags
they're rare even on Sup Forums

>and had to take shelter on /mlp/
No they didn't. They flooded the shit out of every board with spam bots.

Don't talk about shit you know nothing about.

If dubs Queen Hillary rounds up alt-rightists and sends them to death camps, we can all appreciate the irony

if dubs we all get qt fit gfs ;_;

it sounds like you want to get rid of racism on Sup Forums entirely. if that's the case you can fuck right off because i guarantee half the racists have been here longer than you. the goal is to get rid of the Sup Forums migrants that are throwing a tantrum, not cry to the mods about posts with "nigger" in them

>revisionist history




>Delete Sup Forums
>Instaban anyone trying to post Sup Forums degeneracy on remaining boards

It's not that hard if you're committed

>said the guy making shit up


Lol no they didn't the diaspora went all over the place, mostly to /k/. Same thing happened when /new/ got deleted

What are you even talking about you little bitch? We're discussing Sup Forums posters derailing threads about television and film to discuss interracial marriage and Trump, not your desire to say nigger every three words.

>just ban them!

how fuck new are you? Ban evading takes literally less than 5 seconds.

sounds to me like you just want to ban conservatives

threads get derailed for a hundred different reasons on Sup Forums. if you're mad about one in particular, that's just you being a newfag.

>stormfront isn't on Sup Forums you guys honest

>Sup Forumstards don't matter, they're all virgins who have no one anyway I'm sure
> we better make them public so we can ruin their lives and threaten their families like we did with Nigel Farage

Stay classy, tolerant left.

>Stay classy

Yeah because evading bans is so difficult the beauty of Sup Forums is the more you fight against it the more rabid and entrenched it becomes. Case in point this thread

Give it a few months. Most of them will commit suicide after Hillary crushes Donald Trump and the newly Democrat controlled senate uses its filibuster-proof majority to confirm Supreme Court justice Barack Obama.

Except threads in which a black actor gets cast in or plays a prominent role in a movie always result in discussions on race and crime, interracial sex, and Trump.

I want posters like that, yourself I assume given the bitch fit you're throwing, to fuck right the hell off back to Sup Forums given that's the boards theme.

Strawman: the post

Moderate masterrace 2bh

>Sup Forumstards don't matter, they're all virgins who have no one anyway I'm sure
Who are you quoting?

alright i'm putting together a list of things to have hiro start rangebanning for

which other memes or groups of users do you want to backseat moderate? i'm sure the cunnyposters make you blind with pure asshurt.

>Waaaaaah I shouldn't have to be held accountable for my racism Waaaah muh hugbox

Worked with gamers gate.

That other user is right. If mods were committed, they could purge the site of this cancerous shit.


Who gives a fuck? At least with cunnyposters I can just filter them because their threads all start out with the same shit and handful of images.

With race baiters like yourself you actively look to derail threads with the intention of discussing subject matter you have an entire board dedicated to.

Yea, just like they were able to stop the cunnyspam.

oh wait.

Gamer gate isn't dead though? Make a gamer gate thread on Sup Forums and watch


>If mods were committed
Well they're not, they do it for free afterall

Yeah, and just Sup Forums that is, I don't care what you post on Sup Forums

>tfw used to religiously report goobergate threads and then derail discussion until mods deleted them
>tfw literally did it for free
>tfw I won

>you actively look to derail threads with the intention of discussing subject matter you have an entire board dedicated to
so you want to ban two thirds of the board's posters so you can jack yourself off with the two other wannabe film critics here over how much you hate tv shows?


The moderation on Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general is the most lax its been in years. Your hopes of more strict moderation will never happen.

Doing the lord's work

>two thirds of the population
I thought stormfags were the minority? But if two thirds of the population is dedicated to BLACKED posting and making race and crime graphs to go along with James Bond casting discussions, then yes they should fuck off back to Sup Forums

>held accountable for my racism

Holy shit, calm the fuck down. 1984 wasn't intended as a guide for how to run society.

>waaaaah i feel the need to have people be held accountable because they say mean things i don't agree with on an anonymous indonesian basket weaving forum

>held accountable
>on an anonymous image board

You're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

i hope you guys realize you only force more Sup Forums posters here when you dignify them with threads like these

>op is powerless to ban Sup Forums posters
>mods don't care
>mfw if trump wins op loses in real life
>mfw if clinton wins op loses as Sup Forums contrarianism suddenly makes Sup Forums twice as popular and twice as butthurt

No can do, mister.

and this is a good thing.

I got banned from Sup Forums for pointing out emulating is piracy/theft.

Forgot my frog

i'm too old for this shit

That's all well and good Sup Forums but look at these

user pls

Yes, yes, well done user, well done, however

November is going to be fun.


>everyone that trolls my dumb ass is stormfront

Maybe they should stop shoehorning niggers into roles that should be played by whites.
Did I really make you think?


check my 9 niggers

No one cares if you hate niggers though user, it's bothersome that you can't discuss them in tv roles without mentioning them fucking your women/in your White House.

gonna go ahead and post olympicsfu until deletion

based hiterler dubs

lol mitt romney got like 38% pop vote do you think donald is really only going to get 4% more? pretty delusional desu