How do we fix TFA?

How do we fix TFA?

more nostalgia pandering

By not making it. It's unnecessary.
Any Star Wars sequel was bound to suck.
Maybe without Disney and JJ it could have been less awful.

Yeah, they should have left it for GL to continue the story.


GL should have offed himself before he could ruin RotJ

Unmake it

Use the budget on an original IP instead


In this current climate of Hollywood having no ideas and just remaking and rebooting everything, it was pretty inevitable this film would be made. While I didn't love it, I think it came out functional as a movie and not a disaster like the prequels at least.

Pretty much, I honestly believe people who think TFA wasn't complete garbage are the sorts who loved jurrasic world or just hopeful OT spergs who bought into all the pandering.

Being a fan doesn't mean you have to accept shit, which is exactly what TFA was. A nonsensical nostalgia piece of shit.

Why did luke make a map to where he was going if he was exiling himself? Self exile kinda implies you don't want to be found. But the map implies he wouldn't mind if they showed up. Why not just tell Leia or Han or even Chewie where he was going to be? As it stands he sent his favorite robot slave back to leia with his location so why be so obtuse? Why was artoo in power save mode anyway and why did he just happen to wake up at that exact moment when it was time to wrap up the movie?

Jedi Knight is the only true Star Wars sequel.

better than the prequels


>a whole galaxy of characters
>focus on one family
>they all have the same religion, job, and emotional problems

It was a map to the first Jedi temple. Luke went to look for the first Jedi temple. Map to first Jedi temple is a map to Luke.

lesson the amount of force powers until the most pivotol moments.

make the characters actually have flaws

go into details with both sides, don't make that shit black and white. I was really expecting the storm troopers to have more character emphasis and Fin was going to be on the other side of the war for longer.

less anti nazi propaganda.

Don't have Poe disappear for absolutely no reason at the beginning. Have he and Finn stick together, and have Poe fly the Falcon when they find it, so Rey doesn't have to be such a Mary Sue. Generally, Rey needs to be depowered a lot, so we can actually relate to her. Make her seem unsure of herself and out of her depth, like Finn only to a lesser extent, so the audience can root for her as the underdog.

Decide whether Kylo is a powerful sith lord or a moody teenager, and stick with it. Don't have him stopping blaster bolts one scene and then losing to Rey in the next, that's fucking amateur. Also, no Snoke. Have Kylo mention a master, but don't say anything more about him.

Finally, don't blow up the death star. Have the base be revealed as a death star at the very end of the movie, possibly firing its weapon at the climax, to escalate the threat into episode VIII.

This. Disney just went out and made it to indoctrinate even more normies and children

>to escalate the threat into episode VIII.
nah cliff hanger endings suck, stuff should be wrapped up and have a thread for the next movie to follow.

What's you're point? That really doesn't make it any less stupid. In fact nothing I posted is contradicted by what you posted.

Wouldn't be a cliffhanger, the point of the movie is to find Luke and that remains the same. Which reminds me, the movie also needs a reason to wrap up, not just have R2 come to life simply because the plot requires it

>Remove Starkiller base
>Keep the girl Jedi, make her less of a Mary Sue
>Remove the nigger comedy relief
>Make Poe Dameron the central "protagonist" alongside Jedi girl
>Make Poe an already experienced Jedi knight who was taught under Luke and managed to "escape" the massacre
>Trains Rey a bit
>Poe and Kylo Ren fight
>Poe kills Kylo
>Poe turns to the dark side
>Poe kills Han Solo
>Rey fights her old master
>Luke is revealed to be behind the Jedi massacre
>During his mission to find the old Jedi temple, he found the truth of his father's conception through Sith force manipulation
>Realizes he is a Sith creation too
>Rey must fight Luke
>Rey is not related to anyone, she was called upon by the Force to annihilate the Skywalkers for good