Has there ever been a hardcore right-wing film that wasn't absolute shit?

Has there ever been a hardcore right-wing film that wasn't absolute shit?

Tokyo Story

>Ayn Randenburgstein
>right wing

american sniper

>libcucktardians will defend this

>jews can't be right wing

... son...


Triumph of the Will

jews care about only two things

shekels and killing whitey

not necessarily in that order

Paul Ryan would like a word with you.

>Dystopia is automatically leftist


>Paul Ryan
>right wing


next you will tell me Marx was a nazi

Riefenstahl was a great artist even if you despise her politics

Ayn Rand is libertarian

Well technically it was based on 1984 which was a left wing anarchist's (George Orwell's) perspective as he looked at what a communist society turned into in the USSR that is a murderous police state where all dissent was eliminated and your choices in politics were either the party or the party.

It's not really left or right

Birth of a nation
the eternal jew

This is why Faggot alt-rightists need to be gassed. Neck yourself you bootlicking cuckold

Starship troopers

... and?

That has nothing to do with the movie Brazil.

>its da jews

Last time I checked, Ryan wanted to eliminate almost all social entitlement spending.

Nice photoshop, though.

>the entirety of the right wing belongs to anti-semetism

please, Sup Forums leave

posts like this are why we need free high quality education

Paul Ryan is such an anus

Jews were a mistake I shouldn't have chosen tehm - god

>waah muh alt right

yeah which makes him a jewish neoliberal

quality contentless posts

too true

obviously yes. right wing movies are generally better than left wing ones, because they're usually more subtle and less preachy.

atlas shrugged sucked because it was too preachy and made by people who are incompetent.

Solid use of 19th century European antisemitism.

"Movies cuckolds will never understand" general?

>required reading for all his staff

wew lad

It is the current year after all

>everyone hates you
>everyone else must be the problem

oh look, a shitty book got a shitty movie adaptation how novel

>hardcore right wing
>not being shit
I guess its better than alt right

Eyes Wide Shut

>Frederic Raphael, who authored the Eyes Wide Shut script for Kubrick recalled that Kubrick once remarked that "Hitler was right about almost everything," and insisted that any trace of Jewishness be expunged from the "Eyes Wide Shut" script.

Kubrick was one of the few based jews out there

him and the ones that joined the Nazis

Alt shitty right-wing movies are based on shitty right-wing books.

Birth of a Nation

American History X

Lovely list breh

What a retarded meme image. The majority of these movies have nothing to do with politics.


Revenge of the Sith

But I love mel Gibson movies


Why do people consider both National Socialism and Laissez-faire economics right wing, when they are polar opposites?

Any Snyderkino is essentially right wing at its core