/who/ - Doctor Who General

The Trial of a Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe.
The trial is over, and so is Colin's era.

Couldn't prevent the catharsis of spurious morality:

Other urls found in this thread:


Eleventh Doctor is literally the goat

I legitimately hate cats.

I just went to start a new thread with the exact same picture

It's my favorite part of the trial

Here is cats reacting to him being accused of having multiple trips and user posts.

He has this little conversation with himself where he takes what he is doing and describes it as if it someone else is doing it, thinking we might read them and believe him.

He probably also thinks it's funny that he is openly describing himself but people will be 'fooled' by his 'genius'.

Why do you post this exact same shitty bait every day?

Hi cats. What's /who./with you?

Ha! Thanks cats. You could have ignored that but you've proved it is correct and then repeated something said to you, like a fucking parrot. KEK

Yeah and you say this every day, too.

Love it. Your enraged autism is fucking hilarious :)

tru dat

For people just joining us, there was a storytime of the second Rassilon + Cybermen issue last thread:
Spoilers: it's still bad

The Ultimate Foe

Robert Holmes version of ep 14 is better than the awful shit Pip and Jane came up with, although not his best work. He was dying at the time so that is to be expected.

>/who/ is shitposting general
>Adam Orford and Neon Visual have completely deleted the wiki
>Doctor Who remains on indefinite hiatus
>Chibnall Who inching closer every day
>Capaldi signed on for two more seasons, despite suffering advanced stages of Arteriosclerosis
>Michael Grade publishes full page ad congratulating Moffat on "a job well done"
>Gatiss promises "You will breathe no more!" in Series 10
>Charges of pedophilia raised against Matt Smith by several young children
>Jenna Coleman photographed on set of Victoria suffering from extreme anorexia
>Big Finish license up for renewal, BBC considering rejection
>Georgia Moffet photographed with black eye, David Tennant's agent issues statement she "ran into a doorknob"
>Cloister currently out on bail on charges of possession of child pornography
>Colin Baker's transition well underway, according to family
>Phillip Morris: "I traded the complete Dalek's Master Plan for a whole season of Z Cars, BBC wasn't interested"
>Sylvester McCoy responds to recording of 14 minute racist tirade in Tesco's checkout line: "Make Scotland great again!"
>Nicola Bryant headlines: "Doc #5 Drugged, Molested Me!"
>Ian Levine to replace Murray Gold
>Paul McGann "hasn't come out of the basement in over a year" according to family
>John Barrowman has begun an aggressive treatment regimen for HIV
>Peter Harness hostage video released by ISIS
>Nicholas Briggs undergoes emergency surgery, vocal cords completely removed
>Russel T Davies: "If Chibs asks, I'll write whatever he wants."
>Christopher Eccleston on Brexit: "I'd do anything just to get rid of every stinking ape in this country."
>Catherine Tate #StandsWithLeslie, calls for massive twitter bannings
>Video surfaces of visibly drunken Karen Gillan smoking crack: "They killed me on Who, they killed me in Guardians 2, they killed my show, why should I keep living?"
>Tom Baker, writing from hospice care: "The end is near, but the moment is being prepared for."

delete 15, 23 and 24

You forgot
>Chris Chibnall peels away his face at the Series 11 premiere, revealing underneath the chuckling head of Gareth Roberts.

>Robert Holmes version of ep 14
Does that even exist? I thought he died while writing ep 13, and Saward finished it and did the original 14.

There is a script whether Holmes finished it or Eric finished it from the storyline.
Pip and Jane were legally not allowed to see it and had to write their rubbish blind.

Everything Moffat introduced into the Whoniverse was retarded as fuck and they should retcon it all, especially Weeping Angels, into non-existance.

This will never not be funny and still has a better version of the theme than any Murray Gold effort


>>Charges of pedophilia raised against Matt Smith by several young children

>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -

>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?

If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the first ever /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction.
/who/ is finally making its unique mark in an age-old tradition of p̶a̶c̶k̶a̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶a̶n̶f̶i̶c̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶g̶e̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶g̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶i̶r̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶l̶e̶g̶i̶t̶i̶m̶a̶c̶y̶ / celebrating the magic of Who and the talent of a community.

There are no limits (except the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck).

>- Can involve any Doctor(s), companion(s), side characters, spinoff characters and beyond, as your heart desires
>- Can be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".
>- Can be about absolutely anything
>- The main focus is on good fun in the vein of the wiki, although serious entries are allowed. (If you're going to write smut, maybe approach it with a degree of levity)

Stuck for ideas? Try starting with your favourite TARDIS team (or for timeliness, 12/Clala) and one of these authentic titles:
And free scenario prompts:

We have started an index on the wiki for the collection. Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them. There is always room for more.
The rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't dump long texts in /who/ directly). Pastebin is a popular choice, though.

Anyone who wants to do illustrations or comics is encouraged.

Remember, it doesn't have to be good. Just have fun

What good would retconning Weeping Angels' existence do, again? I'm trying to imagine that happening.

>The time field, Cara Delevigne! It's erased the Weeping Angels from time! They were never truly there in the first place! I guess we will never see them again.
>Oh, Doctor, that's wonderful!
>You could almost say it's jazzy.



It would remove a stupid idea from existance. That's it.

Doctor Who isn't fucking real, loser.

Doctor Who>Kayfabe

Let Jazz hands die. Let the old meme gather dust.
Let him fade away.
He is the Doctor we deserve but will never get.
13 is almost guaranteed to be a minority woman at this point.
Forget him.

>he'd rather talk shit to himself than discuss Dr Who like a real fan

I just didn't want to use 12 and Bill so I went with the first choice for the Chinballs era.

Few years time he'll be an image rotting away in someones image folder. They'll glance at it and get a quick chuckle before moving on

Confession /who/ - I don't read the comics.

Are they canon?

>Are they canon?

Rules of canon:

A series is not canon unless it has at least 1 Gareth Roberts penned episode and/or a direct reference to a past Gareth Roberts story. These references can be references to any medium, whether it be novels, audios or televised episodes.
A comic can only be canon if it is written by Gareth Roberts.
A Doctor is only canon if Gareth Roberts has written for him in any medium, or if there are any references to Gareth Roberts stories in his era.

Only as canon as you want them to be.

And no-one reads the comics, so don't feel ashamed.


Everything and nothing is canon in Doctor Who
It's your choice :^)

>He is the Doctor we deserve but will never get.
>13 is almost guaranteed to be a minority woman at this point.

i would prefer a minority woman to jazz hands if they were as good of an actor as capaldi


This is what happens when a pleb watches the classic series for the first time.


Is it cats12?

>@cats12MCT 3 minutes ago
>@BowtiedWhouffle in that neither of them are canon? yes

Ah so it's another complete stranger you a bullying for your own amusement.

>cats picks on another girl on Twitter
>what a total cunt he is

>implying whouffle isn't canon


Is Sammi cute?

>friend says tennant is his favourite doctor
>friend asks me who my favourite doctor is
>tell him capaldi
>he disagrees with me
>tfw it's been too long since I've watched the show to make a compelling argument

>>Adam Orford and Neon Visual have completely deleted the wiki
you had me terrified for a second there

>not watching Doctor Who every day

who are you?
why do you need an identity?

Sorry I was just testing that shit and forgot to take it off
Do not worry I won't join the tripfaggotry

Meanwhile, Lawrence Miles has reduced himself to creeping out people in the park.

You are a fucking stalker. Creeping around Twitter looking for people to attack.

If linking one of his tweets to lightly make fun of it is stalking for you, I don't want to think what you call the whole Gareth Roberts business.

>he did have a cat but it died
>response to a stranger is "no I just smell of them"

Does he have autism?

A story written by the best regular writer of classic who and the wost ones. The result is okay.

Literally yes.

Gareth is a prominent figure though, a celebrity. Lawrence Miles isn't.

I'm slipping with my memes
is lawrence miles the genderfluid genius?

Now you're just making up excuses to argue. Fuck off.

He's on the spectrum, yes.

Lawrence Miles is pretty famous on the level of fandom occupied by /who/.

No, that's Jack Miles.
Lawrence Miles is a former Doctor Who novelist and creator of the Faction Paradox spinoff.

Maybe, but Gareth is a well known face to the general public, a household name, which Miles is not.
Gareth Roberts is a national treasure.

Who's still writing?

Me, supposedly.

What are you writing?


That's racist



Just say "Heaven Sent" over and over again.

A story about 11 and Handles encountering Cybermen who have discovered the concept of memes, and an allegory for /who/'s current shitposting situation starring 12 and Bill.

>and an allegory for /who/'s current shitposting situation starring 12 and Bill.

i hope there's a cool, good-looking character who represents me

Cats do you mind if I borrow Jazz Doctor for a fic?

Cats didn't create it. But sure

My bad, Jazzy.

Any references I should add?

"Cara" and Elise (a singer whose stage name rhymes with Primes) will be companions.

Jazz Hands was made by some random user last year, don't think it exactly has a copyright. He's free for use.

yeah, i didn't make it i just find it quite funny

apologies to JazzHands if other people think i made it too, they deserve full credit for the meme

also, i don't know if ill have time to contribute something for shit trips vol. 1 but i do have an interesting idea about vol. 2

What's the idea?

come into thorax and i'll tell you

Sounds interesting. How far along are they?

Not a lot, but neither of them are going to be very long. Hopefully.




I'll think about it.



Post qts.

unban me from thorax pls. dont understand what i was doing wrong, it was a legitimate question, not an attempt to poke fun at fan serieses if you really do find them good in an non-humoous way

What was your question?

Also what's your favourite story for each doctor?


Haha you fucked up

Thorax is an oddly capricious place sometimes.

>Question: do you people enjoy fan serieses for reasons other than 'they're so bad they're good'?

>the massacre
>enemy of the world
>city of death
>caves of androzani
>vengeance on varos
>greatest show in the galaxy
>tv movie (duh)
>father's day
>turn left
>day of the doctor
>heaven sent

You do know that joke banning is a common part of "thorax culture"

Catz, they'll probably let you in soon. Just promise not to (accidentally) ask defamatory questions.

it was an IP ban so shits serious

i tried using one of my many VPNs (mongo is right) to bypass it but it didnt work

That's happenned to me before. Keep n asking nicely.

i'm in no rush cos i gotta sleep. they can unban me overnight if they want... or not

Don't take it too seriously. They ban everyone at some time--it's like an initiation.

you can come back. thx for shitting up /who/ with this.

no don't keep asking nicely, it's embarrassing.