Daily reminder that a fucking video game is more kino than any movie released this decade

Daily reminder that a fucking video game is more kino than any movie released this decade



>he thinks bloodborne is kino
This is b8 right?

what's kino

Fuck off Sup Forums.
Not everyone cares about videogames.

It's not even a good vidya. Why are sonyponies so butt bamboozled they have to spread their shit outside of their containment board

'Kino' literally translated as 'film'.
Bloodborne is a game, not a film.

>no movie will tell a story better than the shit that went down with kosm

From does it again

Not surprising, games are made by programmers whereas flicks are made by drug addicts pointing a camera at shit.Most directors couldn't make an endless runner or simple platformer.

Yeah, maybe if all you see is comic book movies

>muh stem master race

Overhyped garbage. I'll be happy the day the Dark Souls/Bloodborne are good games meme dies.

Bloodborne = Kino
Dark Souls = Cinema
Demon's Souls = Film
Dark Souls 3 = Movie
Dark Souls 2 = Flick

>writing a good story

pick one, weeabo faggot

Will any movie EVER pull off Lovecraft's themes as well as BB did it?

It's a kino game
Everyone ITT disagree with OP is a salty PC fuxboie

Grant us eyes, grant us eyes

>some fa/tv/irgin made this thread in hopes people would shit on it

Sorry man. I love me some Lovecraft. And nobody under 50 has problems with videogames as a medium.

Absolutely correct list.

Fuck off Sup Forumsirgins.Nobody cares about your stupid games play tetris motherfuckers

An good video game is more entertaining than a good movie

This list is kino

When the FUCK will the old hunters go on sale god dammit

Bloodborne is a disgrace to Lovecraft. You fucking FIGHT and KILL eldritch gods! The whole fucking point of Lovecraft is that you can't fight or kill them, hell you can't even fucking look at them without going insane. This game is such a goddamn abomination to the genre and tasteless Sup Forumsirgins praise it as >MUH LOVECRAFT DONE RIGHT.

It is, by default, the worst Lovecraftian piece ever made in any medium. Absolutely no respect for the source material. A fucking human kills literal multi dimensional ancient gods with a goddamn sword. Makes me want to puke just thinking about it. Fucking Sup Forumsirgins. Lovecraft is rolling in his grave and you retards praise this as something he would be proud of.

>Can't scrap together $20 for the definition of kino


>implying the hunter is human and not demigod tier himself by the time he reaches old god bosses
>The whole fucking point of Lovecraft is that you can't fight or kill them, hell you can't even fucking look at them without going insane.
The secondary currency in the game is basically insanity points, add on to that that it's all literally a dream and I think it's safe to say you haven't even played the game lad

>implying the hunter is human and not demigod tier himself by the time he reaches old god bosses
Hunter doesn't become a demigod unless he eats all the umbilical cords, and he doesn't transform until he has already slain a literal god by himself with a tangible man made melee weapon and a gun.
>The secondary currency in the game is basically insanity points
You can finish the game with 0 insight, don't even try to argue with me on this. You know how Winter Lanterns kill you if you look at them for too long or get too close? That's how every Lovecraftian enemy should be but 1000x stronger. They're not. It's impossible to suspend disbelief enough to enjoy this game.
>add on to that that it's all literally a dream
It's not, it's an alternate dimension created by an Eldritch Alien to sustain itself. Seems like you're the one who hasn't played the game.

>videogames on Sup Forums