Wtf I love slags now

wtf I love slags now

Promiscuity makes me sad

go live in the middle east then.


Don't you have any other problems in your life?

>le degeneracy will lead to everybody having sex

Sup Forums BTFO


I hate this fucking word. Especially when it's said by English teenage chav girls. It's just an awful sounding word.

If your vomit is that colour there must be something seriously wrong with you

>t. slag

who is this? maisie?

>instead of breeding people are masturbating to my little pony cock vore
>dude no degeneracy here lmoooooo

So we're essentially becoming like Japan?

yeah, instead we should all be virgins until 22 and only have sex when we get married, solely for the purpose of making children

thanks Sup Forums

Millennials as a WHOLE are having less sex.
The losers are having none, while the top 20% of men fuck every single woman in sight in a degenerate fuck fest.

Who is this greenem semen demon?

>yeah, instead we should all be virgins until 22 and only have sex when we get married, solely for the purpose of making children
What's wrong with that? Sounds ideal.

fuck offffff you liar

>people should spread disease and their retard genes

>that is much better than masturbating

it sounds incredibly boring



Because you're not getting any?

What is the purpose of this? I mean, I jerk off to porn a lot. This does NOTHING for me. I might as well be looking at a pic of a hamburger.

who dat?

KEK good one user

Dude, many girls will just "like" you if you have a picture of you with a dog.

Girls are retarded like us, just in a different way

Oh, you're so addicted to hedonism that you can't stand a moment without self-indulgence. I see.

sounds like youre selectively gay

Is this someone famous? Or should we just not give a shit?