Do you remember the exact episode or moment you stopped watching the Simpsons?

Do you remember the exact episode or moment you stopped watching the Simpsons?

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im pretty sure I stopped watching from the stupid as shit manatee episode

This was abhorrent.

the screamapiller episode.

That's when I just for the first time thought "wow, these episodes are not as good as the classic ones".

After the Tony Hawk one, their 300th episode I believe it was or 600th. I can't be assed to remember

Are you me?

When Marge's original german voice died.

The episode was called Barting Over, and how funny because I came here to post that exact one. I remember the part where Homer and Tony Hawk are having a skateboard fight mid-air and just thinking to myself how fucking stupid it was.

The 300th episode, and it was the stopping point for me, and apparently a lot of other people too. Probably because it was the first milestone episode in the really shitty years.

I don't know, I never watched it when it aired originally, I only watched reruns on swedish TV. It got worse after season 8 and turned to bad at around 10.

it was the 300th.

Season 20, around the 430th episode. Used to be a big fan, makes me quite sad to think about.


Yes I do, and it was more than a decade ago ;_;

Are you me?
I posted first and then started reading the replies and am surprised a lot of people had the same reaction re: that episode

I remember actually saying "This is a trainwreck" aloud and then never watching a single new episode ever again, but I don't remember the actual episode. It could have been any given one from the double digit seasons onwards, really

No, shit was years ago.

I made it to season 20 before finally deciding that The Simpsons was now terrible. Pic related was the episode that did it

Mel Gibson episode in season 10 is when I officially said that this was just downright awful.

>It's a 'the show completes its devolution into a televised Tumblr blog' episode

I have no clue probably sometime in the late 90s but I still watched the halloween episodes on and off until early like 05 and never watched again

This episode.

Go waste many hours and read the old usenet posts about The Simpsons around the time it started to get bad. The paid shills were palpable.


Equalia > Westeros

that episode apparently had the lowest viewers ever for the show

same here

i bloody hate those bright colours

Directly after the movie. Like the first episode post movie I dropped it. I've heard it gets better though.

>i bloody hate those bright colours

That's digipaint. It infests anime as well.

The one where jockeys turned out to be evil elves in a cave. I was like wtf and turned it off never to watch again.

I don't know the season but the one where lady gaga came to Springfield made me want to vomit

When the first episode of Futurama aired

>Homer's mother dies for real
>The rest of the episode deals with a shitty spy parody

Fucking terrible.

An episode from last year is what finally made you stop watching? You actually thought it was good up until then?

Same for me desu. Sometime after the movie.

That was definitely the season that officially killed it for me.

>Some Simpsons fans have an extremely low opinion of "Saddlesore Galactica." The episode contains numerous meta-humor and self-referential jokes centered on how outlandish the show's plots and characters have become, how the newer stories borrow heavily from the older stories, and how the Simpsons fans (particularly those on complain of these flaws. Examples of this include the blatant recycling of themes and ideas from earlier episodes (which is pointed out repeatedly by Comic Book Guy, who incidentally is also wearing a "worst episode ever" t-shirt), the plot twists (such as the jockeys being magical elf creatures), and the over-the-top caricaturing of the main characters (such as Lisa being overly activistic after losing the band competition). This has led some to believe that the episode was made outlandish and derivative on purpose, which many fans considered to be an insult towards them (particularly true when the Comic Book Guy pointed out that the Simpsons adopting a horse for a pet was done before, and Homer asking the crowd of people at the fair if anyone cared what The Comic Book Guy thought, to which the crowd yells, "No!").

Does this board find season 10 to be classic Simpsons, modern Simpsons, or transitional Simpsons? I find that it heavily blurs the line between classic and modern.

Some episodes are still classic and feel pretty season 9-ish to me, like 'The Wizard of evergreen terrace', 'Lisa Gets an A', Mark Hamill's excellent voice appearance in 'Mayored to the Mob', 'Viva Ned Flanders', the last appearance of Phil hartman, the last really good Halloween episode, and the wonder of Max Powers and Chesty LeRoux in 'Homer To The Max'.

But others, such as the Super Bowl episode, the one with Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger (I know lots of people like this one, but it started a lot of stupid trends that the later episodes would often fall into), Homer abandoning his father to die, and the Jack Lalanne one with the springs and the boat, I associate more with the "modern era" and a sad omen of what was to come.

what trends>

season 10 isn't as good as series 4-8 but it's not unwatchable yet.

If the show ended on the last episode of season 10, I don't think people would notice a huge drop.

Whenever Lisa went from being an intelligent and classically moral 8 year old to being a pretentious Tumblr user who the writers use to push their cuck beliefs. I actually used to love her character.

Homer being a superstar rather than a put-upon breadwinner
Guest stars voicing themselves and having their asses kissed, rather than poking fun at themselves
Digital-looking bright colored stiff animation
3rd acts that go off the rails
"The Simpsons are going to [insert country]"
Trilogy episodes that aren't Treehouse of Horrors


Did you guys who stopped watching The Simpsons (most of us, probably) continue to watch Futurama?

I stopped once Futurama went to Comedy Central or whatever. The movies were enough.

I watched a random episode of the Futurama restart and Fry had turned into a butterfly and Leela and Amy were fighting scantily clad women with butterfly wings. Never watched again.

>implying Homer hasn't been in a #KUSHKOMA since season 13

That episode where Krusty married that woman voiced by Natalie Portman I think. No particular reason, just that it went on Holiday break for a couple weeks, and I didn't feel like watching the new ones.

I did recently watch Halloween of Horror and that was surprisingly fantastic.

That episode with The Who. Town was divided in the middle because of new area code.

It definitely got a lot worse when celebrity guest stars stopped playing characters and just played themselves.

You kept going until season 27?

>Do you remember the exact episode or moment you stopped watching the Simpsons?

You mean stopped watching the new episodes as they aired? Probably when I went to college in 2004 and no-longer owned a tv

I think Futurama was better than the Simpsons, actually. The Fox episodes at least. The Comedy Central ones were a bit hit or miss.



I haven't seen a new episode since some time in the early 2000's. It wasn't a single episode or even the Simpsons in general I just stopped caring about television around that point.

I dropped the simpsons when i saw their movie. It just looked so bad and the jokes where all dumb and terrible. I remember that they had a kind of funnz gag where homer was singing about his spiderpig, while holding it upside down to let it walk across the ceiling, thought it was kind of funny, just to get annoyed by it because they referenced that joke like five times throughout the movie. Blegh.

I generally passively "watched" The Simpsons until recently, i.e. background noise.

That episode with Chief Wiggum and a jetpack was just beyond what I could tolerate.

I HATED that episode. I stopped watching Simpsons cuz of that shit. I tried watching modern Simpson's but it's just too random for me.

Jesus, that was disgusting

I was a 12 year old gril, it shocked me..and I knew they had changed at that point because that was something I never expected to see on the Simpsons.

The fact they played Homer's PTSD as a 5 minute Family Guy-esq joke of him screaming was just cringey and obvious that they have nothing else to fill up time. Also the imagery was even more macabre than anything from the previous Halloween episodes

the movie was the last thing I saw.

I actually remember when I stopped making sure to watch new episodes every Sunday.

It was after Treehouse of Horror XIII, although it was definitely a build up of other episodes previous, but at that point I stopped caring, so that would make it exactly November 3, 2002.

I remember leading up to that reading some magazines about upcoming episodes and not being as excited, although I was still pretty intrigued by the rumor of a movie. Personally I still liked the movie despite the show going to shit. At least it had the excuse of being a one-off to do whatever it wanted.

When they got rid of Ned's wife.

I must be an idiot because nothing the Harvard graduate writers made for Futurama was funny to me.

Nerdy nitpick, but the Mel Gibson episode was actually in season 11.

Season 11 is widely considered the point where the show had completed its transformation into something else (though there were 5 or 6 episodes in s10 that hinted at the new direction), whatnot with Barney getting sober, Maude dying, elf jockeys, Spring break with Kid Rock, no more Phil Hartman, etc.

I think Treehouse of Horror XIII was the first Treehouse of Horror that I didn't like. It left me really disappointed as a kid because I looked forward to them every year. They kept getting worse every year and now they're barely related to Halloween.

when bart wiped boogers on the wall of his treehouse

transitional. Overall not consistent hits, but still some outlying great episodes.

It's actually really interesting how you can watch the consistency drop where compared to say season 4-7, every episode is a guaranteed classic, like every single episode.

The Kid Rock episode, looking back that was the point the show changed for me.

I've seen bits of episodes since (like Homers mum episode) but never a full episode.

I stopped when Homer got he chest ripped off by a Badger, he looks down at this heart, lungs, stomach and intestines and remarks how that can't be good. Lisa tells him he should go to the hospital but he says he will be fine and lowers his shirt over his exposed organs. that is when I knew I was watching crap.

Not the Exact moment or Episode. But for some reason I remember the year. It was 2001 and I was just starting the 7th grade


The Panda episode was the point I gave up on the Simpsons

I only look forward to the Halloween episodes now


Might as well go by youtube comments

This thread is pretty interesting.

I was never allowed to watch the Simpsons until I was about 7 or 8 years old, by which time season 14 was premiering. So I grew up watching zombie Simpsons every week, and classic Simpsons on the six-hour Saturday morning block they used to have.

Now that I'm older and having rewatched through The Simpsons multiple times, the distinction between golden age, transitional and zombie is pretty clear, but I've just never felt as strongly about the fact that it changed as the people who watched it from the get-go seem to be. It's almost like you guys were actually betrayed.

Maybe it's because I was a kid when I saw it but I didn't think All Singing All Dancin was that bad (that low rated episode before 200)

What do I do /tv? I've gone and re watched all the good seasons and even tried watching some seasons after that but it just doesn't cut it. There's something missing or they're just trying too hard to make jokes happen.
I also haven't watched a show all the way to the end since Breaking Bad cause of studies.
What do you recommend I watch?

This shit.

I never started.

quads confirm

Let me clarify: I didn't know anything about celebrities because I didn't care about them. I wanted stories, like in the old Simpsons, with well-written humor.

I've occasionally glimpsed at the newer episodes and I've seen how "progressive" and devoid of fun they've become. The Simpsons is, like everything else, a vehicle for the liberal/PC agenda.

It was when I was watching Doctor Who, and realised that I was finding that I was laughing at the jokes in that more than I was when I watched The Simpsons. And if a comedy isn't making me laugh, I wondered why I was even bothering.

This was about ten years ago now and I don't ever look back.

i had been watching out of habit for a while but i think this episode one of the last straws
making the williams sisters look (and act) like they did during this episode made me realize that celebrity guests only get their egos stroked when they appeared on the show

either n'sync or backstreet boys had a guest appearance around that time as well that was equally horrible

I watched half of that episode, and stopped when Homer finds his mother's body. It was just fucking depressing. No jokes, no respect for the previous two episodes with her, no reason for it to be that way. She deserved better, which would probably have been to not come back at all.

Came here to post this.

I think things were starting to go on the decline but it wasn't until around season 15 or so that the show stopped its hit and miss slope and just became entirely miss. I remember even in 14 there were some episodes that I enjoyed.

the nsync episode

i mean there were a few stinkers before that but that was the one that made me turn off the tv in disgust

It's mostly just due to it being a flashback clip show episode, they've always been typically unpopular, in any sitcom not just the simpsons.

I always watch the good ones and say to myself that i'll get past season 10 this time but the quality drops off so fast it's like they just stopped caring and knew it was unkillable at that point.

Oh fuck i vaguely remember that one was a super gay liberal agenda. And to think that the show has found new lows to fall to

So your're saying the quality was terrible and has got progressively better?

I think the general consensus with the question OP posed is that:

The celebrities stopped being throwaway jokes or playing characters and instead were being endorsed or promoted by the show.

Season 11-13 was the breaking point for the vast majority of "old simpsons".

When the animation became more stiff and digital.

When the jokes became overt and non-sequiturs rather than relevant to the plot or witty

the black history month episode where the marge character of the past leaves homer for a nigger

That one where the dog dies and they get a new one but then the old one comes back after a few episodes because the ratings dropped.

A-Are you me?

The Simpsons was at its absolute peak when it was on Thursday night. Then it went back to Sunday, had a few more good years and then turned to shit.

Was there an episode involving Ian McKellen and the Tower of London? If so that's the last one I remember watching

The Bible Story episode. I don't understand why they even made this one.

These two.
I knew it was already shit, but these were the last straws.

Season 10 is transitional but still watchable.
The last watchable season, in fact.

Season 13 was the last good season. Prove me wrong

This is like watching my dad die of pancreatic cancer all over again.