TIL Matt LeBlanc bought a hot dinner after he got his first paycheck from Friends

TIL Matt LeBlanc bought a hot dinner after he got his first paycheck from Friends



I simply don't believe it. Do YOU have any PROOF??


Fuck you, I'm Malt Lebang

i want to be the air between his cock and underwear just for a day

Hot dinner?
Like one of those TV dinners that I get from the local discount market store and microwave it?

But what did Courtney Cox buy


Bob Saget raped and killed Matt LeBlanc in 1990.

Courtney Cox raped and killed Matt LeBlanc in 1990.

Didn't you learn anything from Friends? He goes commando.

>hot dinner
idk why but ive always hated that phrase


hot pockets?

I saw Matt LeBlanc at a soup kitchen in New York City in 1994. We walked in at the same time, but I didn’t want it to appear I was cutting him in line.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “hot? hot? hot?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and went to the back of the line and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to receive my meal up front I saw him trying to give the volunteers like eleven crumpled up dollar bills.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you don't need to pay for it.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually put the money back in his pocket.
When she started ladeling soup into a bowl for him, he stopped her and told her to do it using a table spoon “to prevent any thermodynamic heat lossage,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she filled the bowl using the spoon and started to wish him a good day, he kept interrupting her by his stomach growling really loudly.



The funniest iteration of the Matt LeBlanc meme, everyone can stop now

It's especially crazy when you compare it to what Courteny Cox bought with her first paycheck.

Wtf I hate friends now

Looks like he is still buying those hot dinners.


I like that this story always includes the phrase "hot dinner" like he's a Depression-era hobo, not a handsome guy who could have had a bartending job in about 45 minutes.

And Courtney Cox bought one later that night too because everybody eats food.


Me too


never gets old

Did it have a pocket?

Or did they do it for free?

what kind of car did she buy though

Why is he so sweaty?

Based leblanc

What did she get??

that dinner was too hot, as in spicy.

A fricking car

what was he eating before doing friends? cold dinners?

No frickin way, bro! What a skank!

how bout 'hot meal'?

TIL: In October 2001, Leblanc met with the families of 9/11 victims. After a brief interview in which he expressed his condolences and hope for closure, he reportedly burst out laughing and made airplane noises and mimicked two planes crashing. He then picked up the child of a deceased victim and whispered into her ear "Your dad's dead, bitch", and proceeded to put on a pair of sunglasses and say "How you doin' " repeatedly. She was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead due to extreme trauma. When asked later about the incident, Leblanc became visibly sexually aroused and repeated the same attack on the reporter. Afterwards be bought a hot meal.

even worse, idk why

And he hasn't stopped eating since.

iirc potatoes