The Great Debate

The Great Debate

I thought they were both pretty great, but I'd go with Mara's character over Noomi. Noomi was more of a butch dyke, and I like how Mara was portrayed as being vulnerable.

Noomi all the way, if you catch my drift.

noomi because rooney cant act

this board has shit taste

I don't know that you can catch a drift

Someone post the email of Rooney grovelling to Amy Pascal to revive her career.

roon roon

isn't rooney a billionaire heiress?

what was their fucking problem?

roonroons was a more realistic approach to the character in my opinion.

the one which got raped

i like both performances but i enjoy roon roons more. feels closer to the book. noomis lisbeth is basicly just constantly pissed.

both at the same time

wtf I hate men now

yes, she's like NFL Royalty.

>rooney was closer to the book

is the american version of the book dumbed-down and more easily digestible like the film?

the book itself is trash

post intercourse webms pls

>is it dumbed down
The book is about a bi-sexual super-haxx0r who hunts down "killers of women" -- pretty sure you couldn't dumb that shit down if you tried.

Was it rape?

That sounds like the American version. The actual version is a Trieresque crime drama

I stopped watching the Fincher version when she took her broken mac to an apple store lol fucking kek


Rapace's Lisbeth was affected and one dimensional (both performance and the clothes and make up)

Mara's gave a good performance, that was helped along a lot by the well designed costume.

No, she was clearly enjoying it

Never read the book, but I saw the Swedish version and it was even more of a SJW piece of feminist bullshit than the American (which I suppose is to be expected).

Uh no, Von Trier is a proud misogynist, dummy.

>Mfw i literally raped a girl i worked with to this scene

Noomi obviously.

She was so hot before the Hollywood makeover.

Why on earth would you go back to looking like that

It wasn't rape. He asked first,she just didn't say yes

Congratulations. Do tell

Cause she's edgy as fuck, bro. Fuckin patriarchy.

Rooney was better. You could really tell she knows what it's like to be autistic.

because she's twice as hot that way

you've shit taste

Rooney is hotter. Rapeface is the better actress, not even a contest.