What was this character's endgame?

what was this character's endgame?

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Fucking dinosaurs.
That's why they were all females.

to build an elaborate death trap to kill his family

turn people into dinosaurs

at last I truly see

God 2.0

It seriously was either or The fences were shorter than the fucking trex was.

Turn everybody into animatronic exhibits so it's safe.

watching this movie for the first time. what am i in for?

To be a dinosaur Walt Disney.

he just wanted to eat chili every day, is that so bad


>for the first time
how? it's been a staple of contemporary cinema for years

you're giving off some seriously underage vibes here m8

>spared no expense
>underpays nedry

To start a Chili and sea bass focused restaurant

Dino poontang for sure. When you're a man that has everything, only the most forbiddin of fruits satisfy

to get to alejandro's chili and sea bass' dinner

Dude it's Chilean sea bass, not chili and sea bass.

sounds delicious desu. shall we?

denni's financial problems are dennis' financial problems

>mfw some fucking idiot says chili and seabass don't real near me

I think the bigger question was what was the endgame of the Muslim who owned the park in the latest movie.

And was the Indominus Rex just created from focus group testing or did they put in genes to make it a military weapon from the start?

Also did these two guys die?

>denni's financial problems are dennis' financial problems
thanks dad

>did these two guys die?
Yes dumbass didn't you watch the film? They both flatline on the screen once they hit the tree

i'm not an american/english speaker.
i don't count the movies i saw on tv with dubs as seen.

They never showed the two guys who got tail whipped to have flat lined, and there were more soldiers than monitors.

>>underpays nedry
Nedry wasn't underpaid. He needed more money for his child porn addiction. Basic Sup Forums stuff.

>dont you mean. . . isn't the proper term. . . auto-erotica??