You find out your hippie ex-wife is raising your son you didn't know about among South American Indians

>you find out your hippie ex-wife is raising your son you didn't know about among South American Indians
>you have a steady job at the World Trade Center in 1997

i loved this movie as a kid.

>you have a steady job at the World Trade Center in 1997
Uh oh.

I always confuse this movie with another one.


Could he sue her for that.

>After years of wrangling you get full custody of your son
>Decide to do a take your son to work day
>On 9/11/01

maybe he didn't go to work that day

>tfw you realize his character probably died on 9/11

>you sell out all your drug dealing friends and rat on mobsters to avoid a life sentence
>you spend your life constantly surrounded by security in case someone comes for revenge

>Jim Jefferies tells a story about you in his standup act about the time you and he were on tour together and you did a shitload of coke and tried to rape a girl

>tfw home improvement is on tv again

I wish they would put it on one of the streaming services already.

Night Court too.

I've never been able to find Jungle Jungle 1. Anyone got a torrent?

I could have sworn it was Jungle to Jungle and the sequel was Jungle 2 Jungle. Am I wrong?

It's just j2j to make the title seem cool. There's no sequel and will probably never be one.

So that's why this movie has disappeared from the airwaves, like that Simpsons episode.

Wew lad I had forgot about that. The Tool Man is a creep.

it could be seen as a second in a series as it's a remake of a french film called un indien dans la ville

He should.

I would have fugged his son's jungle boipucci in that film.

I wonder why they scrapped the sequel

You heard it here first, gang: if you only see one film the rest of your life, it should be "Jungle 2 Jungle"!

I like jungles and since there are at least two jungles in this movie that's good.

But the news told me that rape is bad and Tim Allen tried to rape a girl, so that's bad.

I'm conflicted on whether or not I should watch this particular art house classic.

>You finally get your leave your bitch of wife
>Kids lock you in basement until you work it out.

ITT: 90's family movie kino

Imagine being Kevin Pollak in that basement... etc.

>You find out the best wife ever will always be at your home and will literally never cheat on you.

>You cant fuck her.

How is she the best wife ever if you can't fuck her? Also can she suck my dick? This is important.

why can't you fuck her?

google the movie

No, it used to be Jungle to Jungle. It's an other instance of the Mandella effect.

Probably stick in in a vacuum tube and the house will take care of the rest.

It probably would have made more money if people didn't think they were missing something by mistaking it as a sequel.

I remember his son almost fucked leelee sobieski who was the daughter of Martin Short. Also Krippendorf's Tribe being similar.

It was always 2

It's always been Jungle 2 Jungle. As a kid I thought it was a sequel to something cause of the 2, and spent forever at the rental store trying to find the 1st movie

The Jungle Book?

I did use to think the live action version of the Jungle Book with Liu Kang was a sequel the cartoon one

This movie used to be shown a lot on abc family (?) back in 2006ish

>mfw watching his qt son kiss leelee sobieski
I wanted him to be MY white boy indian bf


what channel?

Chevy Chase is Jack the Cuck in My Wife's Son: The movie.

This movie is so fucking bad

>you have a steady job at the World Trade Center in 1997
not for long!

So jealous of that fucking kid with a young DTF Leelee Sobieski

that image is as american as it gets

It's terrifying how much this looks like my dad


tfw the kid grew up to be Jimmy Olsen

What about Elijah Wood? He got to get some of that young LeeLee Sobieski too

That was Tim Allen?

Jungle Jungle 1?

Just stop, it was never funny.

It's all but confirmed by Tim himself that it was. A guy that was at one of his live shows said Jim accidentally said his name at one point. Even David Cross went silent after being asked if it was Tim Allen because his name had been brought up as a possible person who had done it.

is this a 90s nostalgia thread?

I watched this countless times as a kid. Haven't seen it since I was 5 or 6. Gotta rewatch it someday soon

>tfw someone beat you to the terrible joke shitpost and you didn't even notice