Do you reckon everyone at the farm house would of survived the outbreak even if the little shit from Sandford never...

Do you reckon everyone at the farm house would of survived the outbreak even if the little shit from Sandford never conpromised there safety?

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Also how did the wife make it all the way back to London and escape the room full of infected?


Probably not, something was bound to go wrong at some stage

It always bothered me that so many infected appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the countryside.

I think they must of caught up with that kid, they perhaps lost him but they just kept moving in the general direction he went. The kid said he came from Sandford which is a town a few miles away

Should have just nuked the UK desu

To much fun to have in an empty country to just nuke it

Right, completely forgot about that, that makes sense I suppose.

Realistically speaking, all you need is an spear, a barred window and start shouting, in 1 hour you can clean all the zombies around.

>What could possibly go wrong?

Best horror opening in history

Get diarrhea

Zombie kino. Much better than the slow trudging-through-mud walkers

Wasn't the start directed by Boyle and then the rest of the movie the new director - and it was so bloody obvious in terms of quaity.

Why didn't they just find a castle?

Probably because they had finally found somewhere safe with food and water, hidden away and didnt fancy living out your autistic LARPing fantasy in one of the millions of castles england has on every street corner

If that is the case, as you said, it really explains a lot.

I enjoyed the first movie a lot, but 28 weeks later always left me underwhelmed...but the opening scene is great stuff.

It was long scenes of boring, dragged out attempts at kino with no real character or interest interspersed with helicopters chopping up hordes of zombies and muh evil military firebombs.

It wasn't the worst film ever made but it was miles below the first.

Aye, god damn i'd forgot about that chopper scene, that was some extremely retarded shit.

I guess the film had its moments, though they were very few and far between.

I did like that they killed off one of the only likeable characters and ditched you with the most dull and bland characters afterwards, that was a nice touch.

Jeremy renner?
28 days later comic if anyone is interested in what happens after 28 days

Yeah, been a long time since I've watched the movie, but he was easily the most likeable aspect of the film, excluding the opening scene.

Then they kill him off and you're left with the two kids and "mono expression" lady.

Lack of food and water would have got them in the end, they would have had to of left the house to go foraging for food. The kid just sped the process up a bit

The film explains it by her being immune to the virus, but she'd still have died (I imagine so, anyway) during the attack, or at the very least sustained serious injury which would have left her visibly maimed.

It's kind of bullshit how the movie never really explains it, but it's also a key plot point so whatever.