He's right, but they are bound to shove her into the comics if the movie is successful

He's right, but they are bound to shove her into the comics if the movie is successful.

Other urls found in this thread:


based stan

>good actress as i hear

kek, good one

Zendaya is a horrible actress though. Where did Stan here this shit?

>"The color of their skin doesn't matter, their religion doesn't matter, all that matters is that this is the right person for the role."

As long as it's a black person playing a white character. A white person will never be chosen to portray a black character even if they are the best choice as an actor.

>as i hear

>and i thought of marvel comics

Piece of shit still stealing other people's work.

He doesn't give a fuck about the movies, he's just here to film his 6 gorillionth LE MEME I EXIST cameo before he croaks next year.

>Whites never steal roles

forgot pic

shouldnt you be nicer to him he is essentially pandering to your sjw ideals? do you even know whats going on ITT?

>A white person will never be chosen to portray a black character

Could you imagine if in Tropic Thunder Downeys character was just a black guy (likely Craig Robinson) how unfunny his lines would have been

>implying anime people aren't white

It's a western remake from the ground up. If it was a japanese production and Tom Cruise took the role and everything about the manga story remained, then fine, but it isn't similar in any way to what is happening with Marvel.

>Craig Robinson
Is there anyone on the planet less funny than him?

doesn't bother me that she's playing her, she looks whiter than baboon jones
the problem is that shes probably not a very good actor

>Its a western reinterpretation so its ok
>but I'm still outraged even though this is the 3rd reimagining of spiderman

Is the alt right always this full of shit

>ut I'm still outraged even though this is the 3rd reimagining of spiderman

Things that I never said. You're so full of shit.

Yes, a western interpretation of a foreign source material. It's not the same.

From the time Marvel comics existed, there were already many different ethinicities living in the United States, including black people

So yes, it is the same and culturally appropriate.

I don't think you understand people's arguments because what you're used to, and all you can comprehend is the simple racist views spouted by other idiots like you, and nothing more complicated than that. You see the world in such a simple, two-dimensional way and miss all the subtleties of the argument.

You're a fucking moron and you don't belong here.

>I can't read

I don't think you understand your own argument otherwise you wouldn't be upset over a movie that is about a guy with spider powers

this board is fucking retarded. do we really need 10 threads a day on this spider nigger shit? is this going to go on until 6 months after the movie is out?


fucking pleb

lol marvel might be more popular now but they wish they had 10% of DC impact in the world

Mary Jane is such a minor character and such a shit one I dont know why you guys are chimping out about it

Oh boy I'm so glad bowl cuts are back! They look great!


thats clearly a bullet

>smug check out my bowl-et face

Haso there every been anyone this smug before?

>implying people dont think of iron man instead of batman now adays when they think of a billionare superhero
>implying people dont think of captain america instead of superman now adays when they think of a boyscout superhero
>implying spiderman isnt more famous than jesus christ

DCucks at it again

this is fucking true, DC has characters so huge and popular that even shit movies like Suicide Squad make 600M WW in the box office

just imagine how much money they would have made with a good movie, while Marvel has to strike a fucking home run like Guardians of the Galaxy to achieve 700M

shes thinking of all the white boys who will be lusting after black pussy and more open to racemixing

How quickly we all forget.

To that end, Lee, the co-creator of Peter Parker and Spider-Man, would like to see Peter stay the way he is—because that’s how he was created.

“I wouldn’t mind, if Peter Parker had originally been black, a Latino, an Indian or anything else, that he stay that way,” Lee said. “But we originally made him white. I don’t see any reason to change that.”



in defense of Stan Lee we alredy got three whites Spidermans even he would agree is time to change it a little

Stanley Lieber is an evil piece of shit

Can't wait for Matt Damon to play Obama

Didn't Matt Damon already play Nelson Mandela in that one movie?


>If she is as good an actress as I hear she is
>The color of their skin doesn't matter
>all that matters is that this is the right person for the role

That's like saying, oh I heard they're a good actor and who cares what they look like and then they hire Will Smith as a comic character.
Oh wait, we already got Deadshot.

The article's a year old. It's older than the announcement of Tom Holland as Spider-Man.

>The color of their skin doesn't matter, their religion doesn't matter, all that matters is that this is the right person for the role." Lee said it's totally fine for characters to be transformed when they move from the page to the movies
Unless it's a white person cast in a poc role, then they start moving goal posts.

This. Ghost in the Shell's lead female is a a white caucasian in the animated movie. Not asian at all.

I like the nitpicking of a picture where Scarjo has lipstick to strawman the white woman can't act an Asian character.
I'm not saying it's right, but shit, talk about being so ass fucked.

Gee, Stan's been gettimg pretty ballsy lately.

Stan is blind and deaf, so what.
Might as well go balls out before you can't even talk or move anymore.

>mfw he is blind and without fear

forced controversy, lovely.

Stan will say whatever to make Marvel look good. He's a company man. Last year he said Peter Parker is white and straight and shouldn't be changed. A little earlier he said he was fine with the Fant4stic casting. Then ragged on it once it failed.

Gotta keep doing them cameos, right Stan?

>implying you wouldn't forcefully plunder the treasures of Africa

Ghost in the Shell's female is not an Asian.

Did you even read what I said?

Also if you think pic related is Asian then you need to re educate yourself on what the races look like.

>“This is fucking embarrassing … you did a shitty job … this is fucking unbelievable.”
>“you are already getting paid too much. Don’t complain. You should be an intern. You are lucky to be working for the Lee family in the first place.”
>“get the fuck out”
>mfw Stan the Man is mad at me

was the casting bad? it was just a shit movie

Why not go the Edge of Tomorrow route then? Change everyone's names while they're at it. The story is such that the characters races and location doesn't matter, as long as the core of it is still there. That's why Edge of Tomorrow worked. But keeping the Japanese names and location while changing the characters clearly shows they have no faith in the movie are are just hoping to coast by with actor and brand recognition. Same with the new Deathnote film. At least the people trying to make Akira said they'd set it in Neo New York and change the characters to match the setting.

>Asian people aren't Asian when it doesn't fit my racist narrative

Does alt right bullshit never end?

its not about her acting talents, its about her race, mary jane is white and a fucking redhead at that, not a light skinned black woman

you can't just make a reboot of of batman and put a black woman as catwoman

Can someone please explain to this guy that a lot of anime is based off white caucasian features?

I am done trying to explain

They did change the races of other characters for the gits movie.

According to Stan Lee, yes

It isn't

The features are intentionally generic so anyone can self insert themselves into them

we already have a black catwoman

So she's not called Makoto and the white guy isn't called Batou? Because I would be okay with that.

Japs don't care if their characters are white washed in America. They make their own productions with all Japanese casts as well.

Did you read what I said.
Shit, I'm not even gonna argue.
I'm on your side but to be this blind, yeah, shut up.
Go back to your darklit room and bitch online and when someone tries to be on your side, go ahead and not even respond cuz you're literally a low two digit IQ with a mindset of a child about a fucking cartoon from another country about some stupid shit from the past.

You know what, I hope your movie bombs (which you're still gonna see cuz you're a parasite nontheless) and see you make another thread about how bad the movie was despite bashing it from the get go but still gave the money to go cuz it's "muh anime".

Grow up, manchild.
You're around your 30's for fucksake.

No shit, because their movie takes place in Japan starring Japanese characters.

I can't wait for this old fart to die, he literally killed cinema with his childish crap.

Forgot to mention they're also not sensitive faggots like you.

Strawman: the post
Not surprised that this is coming from a waifufag.

I am sorry my autism didnt make me read what you said properly.

I sorry. Please dont be mean :(

Oh, I didn't realize it was considered too sensitive to be appalled at racism. Guess you never want the status quo to change when you're on top, eh?

tl;dr kys desu senpai baka

The Sam Raimi Spiderman movies will always be the best Marvel films ever.

again, you'd have a point if the movie was anything like the novel, which is not, so you're retarded

>look it up
>its true

Awww :( :(

All Star Superman
Kingdom Come
New Frontier
Secret Wars

Learn to play this instrument.

What? Nigga I'm Hispanic lmao. I don't give a fuck about anime. I just want my comic book characters to look like the source material as much possible since they obviously can't be exact.

I play guitar :)

>in the world

negro please

Spider-Man is the most popular hero in the world. He moves the most merchandise by far, get fucked.

Nice digits senpai

Naw, it has to be either Batman or Iron Man.

>Iron Man

Yeah he's a movie fav of fans but he's nothing to the merit of Spider-Man or Batman.
I see people walk around with Deadpool, Batman, or Spider-Man shirts mostly.

Is that Zendaya..?
I literally thought that was Miley Cyrus, before I clicked the thumbnail. They should just throw some red hair dye on her 7 call it day.
She looks white anyway.

>Stan "backstabber" Lee
Just die already.

>People think Iron Man over fucking BATMAN
>Superman being a phenomenon worldwide while captain America is strictly American.
>I might give you Spider-Man but he's still just equal in popularity with Batman and Superman.



>If she is as good an actress as I hear she is
I have bad news for you, bud.

Batman is waaay more popular than Iron Man. In the movies, people care about Robert Downey, they don't give a shit about the character. Batman on the other hand, people lose their shit if they make an alteration to his character, everytime a movie with Batman is comong out it's like a big event, regardless of what actor is playing him.
I agree on Captain America being known more as the quintessential boy scout super hero, but Superman is still more popular.
Spider man and Batman are on the same tier, but the spider man movies since Raimi have been a mess, the character is in limbo right now, we have wait for Homecoming, but Batman's movies are more popular, hell even Captain America is more popular than movie Spider-man at this point.

Wait, I thought Zendaya was playing a character named Michelle. Not Mary Jane.

The names where different because Marvel wasn't sure which characters they would get the rights to other than Peter and Aunt May

True, when people think of great comic books, Marvel comics are rarely mentioned. It's always Watchmen, or Batman or Superman. Sure Marvel has some famous stories I guess, but nothing of impact.

My problem isn't just with the whole racebending thing.

My problem is that, from everything we've been told, these are basically all just original characters with canon names slapped on. Flash Thompson not only isn't some big blonde jock, he apparently doesn't even have Flash's teenage personality either. Literally the only reason they're slapping these names on these characters is brand recognition.


The name is different because it is a different fucking character. Check out the cast list, the poointheloo is literally playing Flash Thompson.

Marvel Studios is WORKING WITH SONY on this one.

>Flash Tompson
>name recognition

I swear you guys need to go outside sometimes. 99.99% of people who will see this movie have no idea who the fuck Flash Thompson is.

He obviously meant recognition for the people who read the comics, retard.

Why'd they have to stop the Amazing movies anyways?
I actually liked they kill off Gwen like the comics and bam, game ogre.
New series AGAIN.
Fuck I'm done with Spider-Man.