What the fuck is wrong with him?

What the fuck is wrong with him?

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when he goes off the rouds, he goes back to being an average 50 year old man.

why the zoom to the hand?

[Sound of Silence intensifies]

he went too far in his method acting

i cant wait until im 40ish rich white and relevant

Capeshit was a mistake



He's been put in charge of DC's trainwreck franchise and he knows it's going to ruin him.

he's slowly turning into a korean. just look at his top eyelid


feelin some sad Keanu vibes from all this Ben-turning-to-Batman-IRL posting

went through a divorce and put in charge of a big problem

he's probably not used to any kind of stress

Hes ded inside

Why is he growing tits? I hope he wasn't drinking soy proteins

Doesn't Allah forbid this poison?


That's why you don't do roids.

What is happening to him ?

He got divorced from the bitch who stared in Alias and got completely ass fucked. He's going to be her fucking slave until he dies and even then his estate is going to the ass fucking of a lifetime.

To pay his alimony and child support bills he's resorted to making shitty superhero movies when before he was able to make oscar nominated films. He's a downfall that most men wouldn't be able to accept.

He's smoking and drinking like a chimney as well as packing on the pounds in the hopes that obesity, liver failure or at least lung cancer can end the misery that is his current life.

he's becoming a mtf

>getting married
I thought the Jews were good with these money things.


Stunning and brave.

>Those manboobs

Get back into the gym, Ben. Can't have Fatman play batman


Nah, they're back together

Hang nails

>tfw you'll never get to lay your head on Beni's mammary glands

This started happening to me when my doctor prescribed resperidone

No they still going through with the divorce. It takes years for it to get make it's way through the courts. I think in CA it can take up to 4 years to finalize a divorce.

Method acting as Batman

I was wondering what would break first, His spirt or his body

he's getting ready for that Bruce Wayne role in Batman Beyond

His tits are a side effect of steroids.

What the fuck kind of pronunciation is that?

they've been spotted together in London


that or he's trying to one-up jared's method acting by playing a woman in a film.

Garner said in an interview that she wanted it for the children
>tfw Im actually up to date on this gossip
am I turning into my mom?

better than turning out your mom

Get your doctor to prescribe you another antipsychotic. No need to suffer when you can try something else.

Batman has gyno now ?
Can DC get any worse?

I feel that once you make an official statement of getting divorce you're usually going to go through with it. I still think it's going to happen

those eyes are showing us he realized the enormity of trying to save the whole dc universe
all the pressure
all the sleepless nights
all the character reading (and comics) he has to do in order to give the fans a working dc universe
and all the fighting he has to do with wb producers/execs/dc fanboys/girls / dc writers/creators

he can't take much more
and i'm betting he's going to quit after the second movie (whether it's a billion dollar hit or not)

stay strong ben
stay strong

Roids can give you gyno.

What is this expression trying to convey?

That's not even gyno. It's fat

>ywn give him a blowjob that restores his will to live

That's what you get when you stop working out after roiding.

Is fat worse than gyno?


>tfw you'll never be able to pull this off

Is he wearing eyeliner?


Nah, gyno requires surgery to remove. Fat is easily removed through diet

filming u dumb cunt


don't take pictures of me or my wife or my daughter again

Be nice to Ben, Sup Forums.

Might just be porking up for a role

Being batman was his dream, then snyder killed the universe before the standalone movie.

whats the difference in terms of look, like how can you even tell if its fat or gyno

He realized too late that DC trapped him to carry the DCEU all alone.

His Batman is the only thing ppl like from their movies so far.

not an expert, but fat is fat and gyno is breast tissue. i expect gyno would be harder, like muscle, than fat. so pinch your tits and feel around. if it's soft it's possibly just fat.

He's a big guy.


He looks like a Zizek cosplayer

so he is truely one of us

Damm I'm started to develop tits :(

I think due to my weight gain

ideology *sniff*

You think?

You wish, delusional gook.

>blast test, deca, and mast
>don't do ptc
>don't take estrogen blockers

whoever the fuck he hired as his trainer needs to be fired

is he going to become the first openly transgender muslim in hollywood?


He'll be fine.

>I went to fit one day and now I'm an expert in roids

This is the only our guy alive today.

>has the ability to make girls literally wet their pants when he touches them
>our guy


>Be me
>Fat as fuck, pushing 210 pounds
>Two huge manboobs
>Start losing weight
>Lose weight around neck, abdomen and legs
>Go down to 160 pounds
>Just the two big flabby tits remain

help me ben

>pack on 50lbs get divorced
>have horrible gyno and face bloating after filming

surely he's natty bro

fucker should've just continued his training he did for The Town with a 500kcal increase, gear ruined him

dont go the travolta road, Ben.

you're getting manlier, don't become a fag doll

that's probably a bad cycle tho. It can create severe mood swings and depression

maybe something else as well (someone mentioned some medicine earlier)

because that is genuinely a severe case of gyno (real one, not what nerds here call pecs), the fat is literally concentrated on the nipple region

but why he got 3 legs?

he has bigger tits than a worn out housewife



kinda feel bad for all the actors in DCEU
its just a sinking ship now

four vaginas

>this is your body on zack snyder

he looks like martin shkreli here