Why am I too autistic to turn a girl down...

Why am I too autistic to turn a girl down? I told her I liked her but can't date her due to studies and she won't leave me alone. What do?


Show her to us.

>op asks "what do?"
>abandons thread

do you want an answer or not?

This is her

>get out of there

are benefits involved?

Hate fuck her

Avoiding her is not an option. Atleast not over the summer. Same youth group.

I was gonna call you a dumb faggot for rejecting a female but now I can see you're right about not wanting any of that. Try setting her up with someone else? You can always just tell her to fuck off, she's gonna cry and make a scene but with some luck that'll be that.

How old is she, and how old are you??

Probably no benefits. She's religious.


user... just leave

Ask her directly if she's gonna put out if you accept her, if she says yes then problem solved, if she seems undecided or straight up says no then send her packing , her image of you will be drastically affected so she will likely leave you alone.

I'm a junior in highschool and she's a sophomore.

I don't speak burger boy. How many years are you two?

how many cats does she have? and how many tumblr blogs does she have about those cats?

I grew some balls and made up a bullshit paragraph on why she should just move on. No reply yet.

Post screen cap, dearest summerfag.


Won't post screen cap. It was over snap chat. But I basically told her to Esther get over her crush or move on.

Tell her there are only two genders.




I solved it. Thanks for the guidence b

How? Do tell.

I straight up told her I don't like her and to stop talking to me. I figured the best way to do it was to be a dick about it. I didn't like that youth group anyway.

was it a Christian youth group?

Are there any other kinds youth groups?
