No REXT Thread?

No REXT Thread?

Ill, start a dump.










Is he talking or just having muscular spasms due to brain damage?



I would say brain damage.



What's happend at the end does some one throw something at him. Was this forced suicide









Shall I continue the dump?

yeah keep it comming



No. That is someone. I assume they were trying to stop them though.


it's true?
Watches at $ 0?

Holy shit was he ripped in half?

looks like he wanted it




An oscar to the guy who filmed !






story ?



>brain damage
bingo gringo

I don't get it, why did it explode?

And was the cop around the right side okay?



Back story?



I hope guy is OK

with clips like this I wonder why waste so many bullets one good shot will kill




Niggas gonna nigga

hahahahaha kangaroo was like wtf dude


So i spend like 10 minutes cleaning that furry shit and this faggot came and does that in 20 seconds...
Well fuck then...

Wait, what about the bones?
He's breaking them all, you can't eat that do you?

Hey, killers also have feelings.
They don't want him to suffer :3

They're nice people.

Sauce on this?

Ackshually it was just a fleshwound. He showed up at work the next day. True story.

Christ this one made me gasp. story, anyone? What a fuckin idiot

Yep. Complete and total retard. I mean, who does that?

Everyone knows that if someone is juggling bowling balls, you stay the hell away.


No, he was spinning fast for a cool minute though.

Likely rupturing a lot of the organs too, probably just wants the pelt.

Heat of the moment or just making sure they won't be getting back and coming for you.


>Cartel shit

Yeah, i was thinking of it too.

Such a waste.

im starting to notice a pattern..
a lot of these are niggers

Oh well, then they deserved that.

That's a good video.
