I let my dog out this morning a couple hours ago and when he came back in he looked fine. Now his face is swollen about 1.5x it's normal size and eyes and mouth are puffy and pink.
I don't have money for an emergency trip to the vet. What it could be and what can I do.

Other urls found in this thread:


its probably an allergic reaction so give him benadryl

Also it's worse on the left side of his face where I took the picture. He keeps trying to shake his head to deal with the itch and I'm struggling to keep him from scratching with his dirty claws

He may have eaten some ants.

Most likely ate something poisonous when outside. Make it throw up, then take it to the vet. Or watch your best friendo die in agony, your choice.

Do you believe it Bennies will alleviate the symptoms? I'm most afraid of the swelling going to his throat or him infecting his face with dirt. Would an icepack help at all?

Just give him some benadryl. Probably got stung by something.

hitamine released makes it itch, allergic reaction maybe

Go make sure you don't have any foxtail grass in your yard. If you do spray it down with vinegar.

Get him to the vet ASAP, it is [[[[---FREQUENTLY FATAL---]]]]

If you can't afford vet insurance, you shouldn't have a fucking dog.

Why are ameriguns so fucking stupid. Even animal healthcare finance is too basic for them to understand.

Benedryl 1mg per pound of doggy weight

Poor pup. Benadryl dude. Not too much but if it is allergy related itll clear up. If not little gjy got stung by bee or other insect. Do you have a garden with chilis or irritable on touch food?

The only option left is the humane one, absorb your dogs strength and cannibalize it thus adding to your power supply and further enhancing you

This guy knows how to care for a dog, I would listen to him if I where you.

No I don't. I just walked around and made sure there was none of and didn't see anything else suspicious. There are a few bees I see every now and then around my house. If they were the culprit will Benadryl not help? Will it go away on it's own?


Cost for literally everything has gone up while wages and buying power remain low.

When I got my dog 15 years ago I could afford an apartment and insurance for myself and my dog with my job, now I work two full time jobs and a third on the weekend to live without insurance and hitting the food bank.

Damn Millenials, working harder than any generation before them to live with less, fuck them.

I'd just take him to the vet asap dont want your doggo to die do ya

Of course but we have 1 vet in our town and they've gouged prices like a mother. They consider themselves They're also closed today the closest vet is an hour away

How about this plan:

Go eat a penis.

Give him the benny if you haven't and keep an eye on him. A close eye.

If his breathing becomes even a little labored, enough to make you think it might, head to that vet an hour away and get there quick.

Good luck user. Since you didn't find any grass I'm hoping it's just a sting.

Thank you very much user your assistance is appreciated as everyone elses also is.


Is Benadryl actually okay for a dog to eat? How do you know it won't just put him into further risk?

OP you ought to just drive your dog to the vet, even if it is an hour away.

stop wasting time listening to all these faggots and immortalize your dog by having him live on through you

It's given to dogs often.

Millenials working harder than any generation before them???

The fuck you smoking?

>Millenials, working harder than any generation before them

Yep, no other generation can stay on the couch or in mommy's basement playing WOW 18 hours a day.

Benadryl for allergy and activated charcoal. Walgreens sells both for cheap.

Yes. My dog takes it daily for allergies. She is allergic to grass. Which is odd. Dosing is by weight.

It's probably a bug bite. At most pat it down with a cool cloth occasionally, don't mess with meds, humans and dogs are not the same things after all.

It'll suffer for a bit but it will likely die down soon (the bites I mean). It's pretty common. If it hasn't improved by tomorrow go to the vet.

pray to god

Good job reading the rest of the post. I work 4-10am and then noon-9:30 M-F and 10-5 Sat/Sun at my third job.

Speaking of working, what are you doing on Sup Forums at 11am on a Wednesday? Shouldn't you be working?

an old lampshade works as a collar to avoid him scratching in a pinch


>humans and dogs are not the same things after all

True, however we're actually more similar than you give credit.
Humans and Dogs can even share anti-biotics to fight infections as were not that un-similar.

thanks jesus

yep, animalia kingdom rocks

Benedryl is safe for dogs if its an allergic reaction

>I don't have money for an emergency trip to the vet

You probably shouldn't own a dog then.

Call the SPCA and tell them you are unfit to care for animals and need one removed from your property. They'll properly euthanize the animal.

Oh sure, but there are some meds like acetominophen that are really bad for non humans but okay for us. We have giant livers capable of processing a lot of stuff but many mammals aren't that lucky. That's why I urge caution.

bee sting, put some mud over the concerned area and that's it

Why wouldn't you go to /an/?

Go to a vet that does walkins if it gets worse. And save up some fucking money so you can be a responsible pet owner.

And rightfully so!

Many animal drugs start off as human medications, because there is far more money invested in human drug research. In such cases, manufacturers sometimes reformulate their drugs for sale to animal owners. For example, if the dose for dogs is less than for humans, they may have to add more binding agent to bulk the pill up to a manageable size. (The active ingredient constitutes a minuscule fraction of the overall volume of any pills.) The company might also put more or less of a chemical that aids in absorption.

kill him and wear his skin

Stop using your penis pump on it, it's not rocket science fuck face

Induced vomiting can flip stomachs. Don't do it.

Give him benadryl for real. Often prescribed for dogs in this situation.

Dude give it activated charcoal and make it throw up before you do that. Stop itching asap, also stop it from moving too much. Can you find any bite marks or tissue necrosis? Could be spider bite. My dogger had one a while ago and he was in pain but came out undamaged.

put that dirty rat down

Thanks mr trump

jesus just goto the vet and i'm sure they will have some sort of payment plan available


A few things OP:

>Bee/Wasp sting
>Ate something that he has an allergic reaction to
>SJW Feminist fed him something
>Your dog is retarded

Go to the vet dumbass, no one here is trained to help you in these situations.

Go to the vet. It may be expensive, but the other option is trying to treat it yourself and fucking your dog up more.

Take him to the vet and see if you can set up a payment plan. This might be your little buddy's life on the line.


Why the fuck do you have a dog if you cant get him anywhere during an emergancy

Give your dog some benedryl, call the vet, get the fuck off Sup Forums and take care of your dog.

Dont worry user, just a bug bite. Happened to my pup the other day. Benadryl, a bath, and rest will help.

Your dog has anaphylaxis. If you know what caused the reaction, it could point the finger towards treatment.

Right now it seems he is in danger, that swelling could easily suffocate him. I would take him to the vet immediately. They'll probably give him some epinephrine, and make sure his airways is clear, as well as provide fluids to keep him hydrated and insure he can deal with the shock well enough. If you have any dog approved antihistamines, you should consider giving him some now, it could slow down or stall the reaction.

They'll have payment plans and options at the vet. Don't watch your dog die user

OP beat his dog and now scared because evidence of a beating is showing

If you buy a dog you should have vet money on the side but since you don't see if they have any Benadryl pills or anything that helps with allergic reaction's and just hide it in the food he likes

Also prepare not to cry if he dies as something could be different than an allergic reaction and something could be infected

He probably tried to eat a wasp

It's an allergic reaction from the season. My Dog is going through the same thing. Also make sure you have your dog avoid scratching. It'll cause hair loss near the face.

Cat did the same

Don't own an animal if you can't afford to take care of it.

Ok, no i don't have bennies. I'm going to shoot him as i do NOT want to watch him die. Thanks for all your help, guys. This is painful.

Give him a bunch of benadryl. Vet says you can't OD on benadryl so it's safe for doggo.

Yeah thats what happens when the rest of the word starts boycotting you. Thank your right-wing government for that.

Fuck off dick

Look, you have a dog, you take care of him. He can't help that you don't have money to help him. Your dog is completely dependent on you. So you're gonna take him to the vet right fucking now. Call your parents, friends, I don't care where you lend some money.

Just put a little hole in his troath if he is really suffocating. Between the hard rings quite near to sternum. Then just wait for the swelling to cease

He's got a point....


Thats what happens when u watch mĂșch tv...

Theres a difference between being able to take care of it, and being able throw 100 dollars to a couple K at the vet.

Dogs are just fucking retarded. In nature there are no vets either your dog is supposed to die. You dont have any obligation to take him to medical help. Only do it if you want keep your property around a little longer.

But this dog doesn't look expensive. It's probably easier to buy a new dog than pay for treatment.


You do have that obligation if you take him out of nature and into your house, buddy. We are supposed to die too if something happens. Hell, you probably won't even survive without strong glasses if you have those.

Snek bite

>What it could be and what can I do.

That would be called an allergic reaction and he needs a vet or he will die. Swelling in the head and face means his air ways are most likely also swelling closed. You need to go NOW

>cum on his face
>post pics

I disagree. Dogs are dependent on humans. House dogs are not meant to survive in the wild.

If you're going to own an animal, it is your RESPONSIBILITY to take it to the vet. If you can't afford it, you shouldn't have an animal.

Best thing you could really do if you love your dog is to go to a no kill shelter and say you picked him up as he was wandering the streets and you noticed his face was swollen.

Do what's right OP, as a dog owner myself I know you will because dogs are the best kinds of people.

lick his asshole
it wont bring down the swelling but he'll love it

Dogs as we know them don't even exist in nature.

Just because i might not be able to afford some large unknown amount in vet bills later down the the road that may or may not happen means i shouldn't own a pet?
Fuck off retard.

That's exactly what it means. Just like, if you can't afford to take care of a kid, don't get a chick pregnant.

Grow the fuck up and quit acting like a manchild.

>cool let me try
i dont have any money but im gonna have some babies because they're sooo cute

Exactly. Unless you are able to heal it by yourself. But if it dies of your mistreatment, the blame is on you.

he probably got stung by a bee or wasp. Give him a bath, and wait a few hours, if the swelling doesn't get worse then it's probably nothing. If it does get worse then really a vet is your only option. Maybe massage it and try to ice it if he'll sit still. Be sure to wash the inflamed area.

also before giving your dog antihistamines such as benedryl google search stuff to make sure your dog is able to take it without going into anaphylaxis.

So say by chance, my pet has an issue and i have to take it to the vet and it needs surgery and medication. Say this roughly in total cost me about 10k. Just because i cant afford to throw 10k at a vet to fix my pet in the off chance that it does happen, when it's something no one can plan for. I shouldn't own a pet.
I understand for smaller things but your statements are to general and they suck because of it.
A better statement is, if you cant afford minor vet bills like shots, checkups, small emergency visits, then you shouldnt own a pet.
Fuck off, all three of ya

having a pet is a privilege, you sound like a little bitch right now

How do i sound like a little bitch for pointing out a flaw in a statement.

im sure sparky is having a bitchin time right now

cuz you can't afford a dog and its obvious

its unfair to the dog because you're so selfishly in need of attention you interjected into his life and now you're bitching at the prospect of supporting him when he's down

what a callous and self-centered individual you are

dogs cost 15-20k over their lifetime, easily.


say what again muthafucka

Because i may or may not be able to afford an extremely expensive vet bill that may or may not happen. You are retarded.
15-20k over their lifetime in food and shots, over 12 years(lifespan of my last dog) thats pretty fuckin easy to afford.