Nazis vs Antifa. Who do you side with if you have to choose?

Nazis vs Antifa. Who do you side with if you have to choose?

the police

Fuck the police, coming straight from the underground

A young nigga got it bad cuz he's brown

Never side with Nazis, they keep losing.

Neither, politics is gay. It's funnier just to egg each side on from the safety of the internet, then watch them explode.

ohhh I dunno

Nazi easily, fuck antifa weakass faggots

Who are the good guys?


Americans have chosen. No nazis, no Republicans and NO TRUMP.


Not a supporter of either, but it's basically Nazism vs Communism.

It's a hard one but I'd go with the Nazi's.

While I don't like them, they are a much better choice than communism.

yeah man we da masturh raiz n shiat


Modern 'Nazis' are hilariously cringeworthy. They are an embarrassment to early/mid 20th Century Nazism. THEY would've been put in the camps in the 40's. Undisciplined. Unhealthy. Untidy. Uneducated.


I side with the proletariat

>implying antifa is better

No, who/what is that?

I'm literally a Nazi so nazis


Pick one red scum

Antifa for sure. I more or less agree with their politics, it's just their methods I hate. Still more than I have in common with Nazis.


Say no to Neo Nazis!

Choose the Original!

Thats the spirit!

>out-of-shape 'nazi' detected

Nazis. I'd rather be a winner that loses than a loser that has wins handed to them for nothing.

Antifa are the most pathetic of all, puppets of soros. Calling them trash is an insult to trash itself

no I actually like him.
please don't speak for others when you have no idea what you're talking about
especially when you have no idea what other peoples' opinions are
literal keyboard warrior fag


Nazis. They are much less of a threat.



Stupid? Antifa IS Wokers of the World

>Calling them trash is an insult to trash itself
This. At least trash used to be useful.


> Antifa IS Wokers of the World

Hahahaha, no. They got kicked out of town by the local workers. They are nothing but lowlife communist imitations.


Antifa is gay faggots that real communists would have sent to gulag. They're all seriously sad and fat and disgusting and can't get a job or real women so they resort to calling people nazis and breaking shit and screaming like maniacs. Fuckings retards

nazis all the way man, i'll choose self pride over self destruction


You're right

>having time/energy to protest
pick one

>keyboard warrior
Do you realise where you are you fucking mong?

Antifa flies the communist flag, they have used that image to define themselves before.

battle of berkeley, eh? were those guys really nazis?

I can't decide if English isnt your native language or if you're a teenager.
Which is it?

But they are not real communists. Real commies would have send them to gulag in a heartbeat, those shitheads have no idea how bad communism is.


inspirational, im saving that picture

Stay in school son

this guys' a real intellectual

I am. Sorry i just wasn't thinking about grammar when i wrote that. But I actually skipped a grade and take AP and college classes and get A's and B's so I'm fine

Antifa is literal garbage. I think my choice is obvious.

>a society that worked
Yeah, lets just pretend the insane borrowing and crippling debt didn't happen...

Neither. Because I don't have to choose. Left wing and Right wing extremism are both unacceptable to me.

Those people have been fed marxist ideas about oppression and believe it without questioning it. When they have served there purpose then jews will simply simply switch the narrative and bring them down.

.....I'm not talking about your grammar.

Why? Its stupid

Czech girl scouts everytime

What is the difference at this point?

Oy Vey! Goyim! Stop, remember my 6 millions!

If this is a choice between the original nazis and antifa, I would go with the nazis. For all of their atrocities especially toward the end of the Third Reich, they developed outstanding work and education programs.

If this is a choice between neonazis and antifa... well, they're both embarrassments that haven't done anything that will be remembered by history and likely never will, so I would probably be more likely to side with antifa as that's the side that doesn't get as much negative press yet.

antifa all the way

Crippling debt? That was before Hitler gained power. You nust be joking, because Nazi Germany was completely self sustainable

They're neonazis. Actual Nazis are either 90 or dead.

Extremists are retards. Retardation goes both ways: Left/right, religious/atheists, pineapple/chicago ... you name it.
I'm trying to be as objective and free thinking as possible.

Because one of my (2) guesses was correct?

fuck off antifag, im not a nazi just not retarded. But i guess everyome who disagrees with u is a nazi

You forgot durian/bankok.

So the nazis then

>completely self sustainable
Then why invade and plunder the rest of Europe? They were the opposite of self sustainable.




and not the other color so police think, they have the authority to kill a minority.

Definitely not those retarded antifa pussies, that's for sure.

fuckin' with me cuz I'm a teenager, with a little bit of gold and a pager

Why did anyone conquer other lands? Conquest is for power.


How long before pedophilia is just another sort of "choice" in the sexual spectrum? Remember that you could have prevented this! Siding with tools like antifa, only increases this problem.


This subject is extremely complicated and if you think it's because muh resources then you have proven your lack of knowledge on the subject you tard. Judea declared war on Germany for jicjing out the Rothschilds banks and a whole lot of shit went down that forced Germany into invading Poland and Englad declaring war. It's all the Jews fault.


Cops and klan go hand in hand


And these faggots aren't?

Enough to beat the shit out of you.

see Can't even take them on one on one

Internet tough guy.
He looks pretty real to me.


Retard detected

>implying nazis have achieve anything


To all of you people who refuse to choose between two embarrassing evils: get out. Saying that both are bad is not the point of this thread, you namby-pamby indecisive fencehumpers. The point of this thread is to state which you'd pick if you HAD TO PICK. You tropical-climate-predisposed walruses.

Like you?

Wow sucker punching someone, how brave, grow up kid :)

Nazis achieved so fucking much in their short time it's fucking crazy. From fanta to animal rights to cigarettes causing lung cancer to volkswagen. Fuck off ignorant antifa shitlord

The Nazi's

"Nazis". At least they have some form of pride and don't wallow in self-hatred.

And if you want to be a bit more historically-rooted, the USSR's method of war was to essentially just brute force with overwhelming losses. I'd rather not end up as one of millions dying to take a couple miles of land. Literally or metaphorically.


Antifa are brave fighters for social progression, and eventuall reduction of power owned by the usa!

We need to accomplish this goal for the betterment of humanity, that includes increase in diversity, destruction of culture and ethnicity, this way we shall create a society without hate.


Antifa. No contest.

searching my car, looking for the product; thinking ever nigger is selling narcotics.
