A police officer in Missouri arrests a drunk boater

>A police officer in Missouri arrests a drunk boater
>He cuffs the suspect, a 20 year old to his boat
>Boat flips over, suspect loses his lifevest and drowns
>Cop calls into the radio 1 hour later to report it
>Cop gets charged with a boating infraction: $500 fine or 6 months in jail




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Cops are extremely simple beings with almost no education.

Kek what a manlet

What is wrong with being 5'6''? He's a manlet and a successful police officer. What are you?

He's taller than me.

Its always kind of baffeling to me how those parents react to this.

i would think about it for 10 seconds, and then i would go and take the life of the man who took the life of my son, and that would be that. absolutely 100% worth jail for life

How the fuck does the boat flip?

Probably an aluminum fishing boat

Just another example of a soulless murderer allowed to serve on the force, and corrupt fuckwad cops covering each others asses in some small time redneck town.

Probably because the drunk 20 asshole was being fucking retarded and is directly responsible for his own death. If you get pulled over on the highway for a speeding ticket and then run out of your car and throw yourself into an oncoming semi should the cop go to jail?

You are the worst person at analogies.

If he cuffs you to a car and the car drifts off a cliff, yeah, he is kinda responsible for the life of his prisoner.

Didn't the cop have his own vehicle? And report it an hour later? It looks awful.

You'd be better off partially dismembering him, or doing something that debilitates him for life.
Death is permanent and no one really knows what happens after.
It could just be like setting a "reset" switch for someone to start again.

If you kill someone as vengeance and justice for a crime, you will not be getting your due vengeance and he/she will not serve true justice.

Cut his leg off, push him in an acid bath. Something that forces him/her to remember you and what they did for the rest of their life.

Meanwhile you would not necessarily be sentenced to life, death, or perhaps any "serious" time. ('serious' being in excess of a decade).

Use your head.

Everyone's taller than you, mutant.

>Probably because the drunk 20 asshole was being fucking retarded and is directly responsible for his own death
You were there? Tell us what really happened.

Like it or not, the police have a duty of care to people who are not in the position to look after themselves. That means making sure they are safe when they are in the polices care. The 20 year old is a definite fuckhead, and he probably would have been punished once sober, but the cop failed to ensure his safety in the meantime. That is what the controversy is about.


Give him life in prison with no parole. Even better flip a boat with him inside cuffed

>$500 fine or 6 months in jail

Murica everyone, he should be sacked and at least 15 years for misconduct

This is what happens when you dole out badges and guns to white nigger trailer trash.

He basically paid $500 to take a life.

I feel like if our worthless cops feared prison just as much as civilians, this shit would be way down.

They have a mentality of "I could do whatever I want."

Start sending these fucker to jail for their violations. Give the bosses of the dept the same amount of time mafia bosses get in prison for their corrupt shit.

I see that many don't understand.

You are not the equal of a law enforcement officer.

They are allowed to do things you are not, their word is worth more than yours and they will not be punished as severely as you would for the same crime.

Its the real reason most join.

Exactly. The should be treated like us. If we were allowed to drop a fucking cop like a citizen, they wouldn't fuck with us.


The teen was White retard

So what? You only care about his life because it moves your copblock agenda forward. I know i personally dont give a shit about some random's life.

>they wouldn't fuck with us

They only fuck with niggers and retards. High socioeconomic people like me love police because they're our buffer against peasants like you

Missourifag here. A little more background:

We used to have a state water patrol - cops in boats just for the lakes and rivers. Those guys had specific training on how to arrest somebody on a boat and get them to shore, to prevent fuckups like this.

However, a couple of years before this kid died, the water patrol was combined with the Highway Patrol, to save money. That led to people whose total law enforcement experience was cramming their 300-pound ass into a Crown Vic and writing 100 tickets on I-70 or I-44 in the last week of the month getting the keys to a boat.

And you can see how that worked out.

Plot twist: he's the stupid cop

That's redundant

Never in the history of the world has a kid gotten straight A's and then have someone suggest he be a cop when he grows up since he's so smart.

>Never in the history of the world has a kid gotten straight A's and then have someone suggest he be a cop when he grows up since he's so smart



Most morons aren't homicidal, mostly just cops.

Right? I'd just drive around dumping barrels of fuel out and set the whole town on fire. Burn everyone to a crisp make those California fires look like a candle

Yeah if you did the kfc worker in the back alley with a turtle you deserve cold meatloaf for breakfast 3 weeks from now because your 18 years old.

That's how retarded you just sounded. You are a retard. A very retarded retard and your retardation retards everyone around you with their field of retardation.

Explain to me why anyone should care what cops do when niggers are around all of us

Not true. Supreme Court decision look it up

I dunno your statement sounds pretty concise and on point, fuck turtles.


>Guy's being followed
>Calls the cops
>They ask for license
>Turns out it's a cop following the guy.. with lights off
>He gets out of the car.. "huh whats going on"

>Jaw gets broken
>camera thrown in the water


>Man is cuffed with an officer behind him cutting off his backpack
>Guy to the left casually walks up and jabs him with the taser


Fagmuricastan strikes again. Fuck fagmuricastan and the retarded faggot nigger fuckers that inhabit it. All hail the glorious empire of japan and kill all the Russians

Two words.

Nigger cops.

Let's genocide the police. I'm down. So do we use fire or poison? Both are easy and effective.

Look at this faggot, everyone.

Whenever someone accuses you of being an anarchist who's for the complete elimination of policing in society just because you criticize cops, it's because of shitheads like this

Another Missouri fag here.

Same officer later got in trouble for using a stingray cellphone tracker illigaly and then about a week ago demanded a hairdressers paycheck and when the elderly manager refused to give it to him handcuffed her so hard she bled. He has gotten off on all charges.

Don't worry. It's just a sad, one-off case, and not an example of the police receiving the benefit of the good ole boy system.

>During an inquest jury on the cause of Ellingson’s death, a juror told the Kansas City Star that the criminal trial should be held outside Morgan County because the local courts ran on a “good ole boy system.” And Piercy was reportedly well-known in the small community.

What colour was the 20 year old? That's the pertinent point

So probably not black.

until they are not.
>whatever, mr. creditdebt

funniest read today

thanks user

20 year old loser wouldn't be dead if he wasn't breaking the law.

>stupid cop ignores his training and lacks common sense
>family enters plea deal because they say the justice system in their region is corrupt
>all cops are to blame but not the government/justice system or the ideas of plea bargaining
You anons are so smart you could all be cops amirite?


That's not 5'6 you idiots. Each line indicates an inch. He is 5'11.

>inb4 still a manlet

>how does justice system work?
He also wouldn't be dead if he was given a proper life vest or wasn't born.

>stupid cop ignores his training and lacks common sense
>the water patrol was combined with the Highway Patrol, to save money.
Just curious because I don't know shit about Missouri policing, but were they trained and inexperienced or were they just taught how to pilot a boat and thrown out onto the water?


powertrip pigs, man.

Excuse me? Why is he a "pig"? You know that is hateful towards the judiciary-disabled.


Idk about this but I can see it happening.

>Kid's being chased by three kids who jumped him
>Hides in bushes
>turns out to be cop's yard
>Kid doesn't know.. he starts calling for help to his friend who's nearby
>cop runs out and tackles him

Seems like a part of Dazed and Confused or something lol

oh also as you can see its buzzfeed so that's why i said "idk about this"

but i bet someone is going to read that post





Crybabies that got hassled by the police

America is a shit country

So is yours foriegner

So you admit they hassle people.

The first step is admitting it.

Moral of the story don't break the law don't drink n drive or boat. Play stupid games win stupid prizes

Conditio sine qua non, user

Right cuz the underage drunk 20 year old had absolutely no responsibility in this at all....right? Go kys

erm, he died, m80.

Or your life could be in the hands of an inept cop.

> death penalty for the equivalent of a traffic offense (class c misdemeanor)

Where's your stupid prize?

>biggest issues in the only global empire are well-funded police forces having idiots hired on (like every other occupation/country) and occasional copy cat public shootings that don't even compare to public attacks in the majority of other countries
Man what a shithole right

His actions did not lead to his death.

Had there been no cop, nothing indicates he would have died. Most times when people drink and operate a vehicle, no one dies. It unfortunately happens every day, so the risk is there, but the officer was the one who caused the kid's death.

He had responsibility, and was taken into custody for his crimes.

At that point, the cop was sloppy (assuming no ill intent) but only received a slap on the wrist for killing his charge.

And if I were to ask you "why", what would the answer be? If the reason is because the consequences could be drowning at the hands of incompetence then into the trash it goes..

Yeah not using the proper life vest for an alleged criminal was pretty key to the whole point of the story, thanks for agreeing with us.

I get how he is a manlet in this situation. But you must understand, some people are just small.

Because the cop that ignored training had no responsibility in his death, right retard? It's a cop's duty/agreed upon social responsibility to not kill someone in handcuffs.

we have free healthcare in the shithole we live in.

I thought the moral of the story was to follow your training, use the proper equipment you're given, and not killing someone in handcuffs?

>free healthcare
I know those 2 things go hand in hand, you don't need to explain it to me.

LOL...i know right, have fun going bankrupt and die..

>live in dry county
>drink beer in backyard (illegal in the county)
>cop hears beer bottle get opened
>house suddenly raided
>cops confiscate roommate's wallet as evidence of intent to purchase and consume alcohol
>sheriff drops coke and weed on floor
>they 'confiscate' it and smoke and snort all of it
>take turns raping my girlfriend
>shoot our neighbors blind, toothless poodle that's going to the bathroom outside
>one nervous cop cracks and chop the dead dog to bits with an axe
>people say it's all my fault




Fellow Missourian here. Live near lake of the Ozarks too. For those unfamiliar with the area, a big summer past time is kayaking, rafting, canoeing, or just general river and lake stuff. It's a lot of fun.

That being said, this cop was criminally negligent and is directly responsible for the death of the kid. If you read the article, it makes it extremely clear. This guy should be charged with involuntary manslaughter and sentenced.

Put me in the screenshot plebbiters

Stalin was right and basicallyadoctor needs to go fuck himself

>This guy should be charged with involuntary manslaughter and sentenced.
Should/could but won't. State prosecutors get flack for going after cops (depending on the administration/public) but the family also went for a plea deal

A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent, personified in this case by a horrible cunt, me.

>>shoot our neighbors blind, toothless poodle
topkek. I remember a few years back when local police raided the wrong address and shot the family's golden retrievers as they cowered in the corner