Be me

>be me
>Still live with parents
>Have a dog
>Tiny poodle looking thing
>Got her when I was 5
>1 week ago
>Parents plan vacation for themselves in Florida
>Leave me home alone
>Warn me of the meth addicted neighbor next door and to call the police if he does anything
>Fast forward a few days
>Let dog outside
>Somehow gets out of our fenced yard
>Go inside, figure she'll turn up eventually
>Look outside 10 minutes later and she's at the doorstep like usual
>No big deal
>Next day
>It happens again
>This time other neighbors come to the door telling me my dog was outside and almost got hit by a car
>Holy shit
>Thank them
>Parents come home
>Tell my parents to watch her when she goes outside so she doesn't escape
>Be last night
>Mom lets dog out
>Doesn't watch
>About 10 at night
>She's missing
>Walk around neighborhood
>Can't find her
>Dad yells at me to give up and go inside
>Stupidly listen
>Next morning
>Set my alarm for 5:30am to go out looking for her
>Walk outside
>She's dead in the road

My dog since I was fucking 5, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Rape your mother.

who the fuck would let a dog outside and not watch it, sounds like you're addicted to meth

>Fenced yard

also what does the first part of the story have to do with anything


Sorry mate. My dog was run over too. It's one of the worst feelings in world.

how do you do the meme arrows

Lurk moar newfag

i had a miniature doberman and she got hit by a car in front of my house and there was a vet really close by and she still died in my arms on the way there. it happened like a year and a half ago and your story made me cry. me and my dad built a little coffin for her and buried it in the backyard and one thing that brings me comfort now is when im doing something that makes me scared i think of her and how brave she was and how excited she was for everything even though she was so smal,l and it gives me strength to know i can be brave like her and be excited about stuff that might have made me scared before

Buy a Sup Forums pass

The fucker should've stayed in the yard. She's old as fuck and know better than to leave. Bitch had to learn the hard way.

Dude... I have a Siberian husky... One of the smartest dog breeds... I wouldn't let him run around alone... Fence or not. Dogs can jump better than a basketball player. Dumb decision. My condolences though. Dogs are like a part of your family. It hurts to lose them.

When was the last time you played with your dog, do you remeber what you guys did?

Nigger faggot complaining about having a free meal.
ffs OP

wtf b there are other threads with some whiny kid saying how depressed they are and how hard it is to deal with their relationships and they get actual advice from you fuckers and this guys dog dies and you stupid faggots just fucking make dumbass unfunny jokes you stupid fucking mongoloids

you lost > . and ,
you cucktard mongoloid

>sad day for op
Time to start shooting to forget about it, ask your friendly neighbour for some. Offer a blowie if heshe doesn't want to give it away.


Delete system32

"No offense" but your parents are cunts

You tell a story like a chick. It should have read >dogs been escaping from yard
>warn mom
>doesnt listen
>dog escapes and dies.


Fake news.
How did you deal with letting the dog out without it getting run over for the past 13 years and why did you have to tell your mother to watch a dog you've had for 13 years?