Who do you marry in Skyrim, Sup Forums?

Who do you marry in Skyrim, Sup Forums?

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I marry Ysolda. Is that bad?

That is respectable.
I marry Ingun black briar

Is it possible to marry a Khajit?

Never married in Skyrim. All the women are lesbians clearly and I don't want to be the child of a guy that blows up bears when he yells. You FUCKING LEFT THE TOOTHPASTE OUT AGAIN! Boom your kid is dead

Furry fag detected

You can on pc using the console ~
something like
setrelationshipstats 4 and some other stuff


Video-games are for degenerates




what fuck

Aela the Huntress? Is she plebe tier? elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Aela_the_Huntress_(Skyrim)

Enjoy the flees, filthy pleb.

Who do you marry, then?

I said it earlier, Babette.
>unliving mistress for life

it's 2017. The answer is Takemi.

I don't know who I want to marry. I thought about Camila but Faendal still visits her.

I did that one run through; Faendal walked all the way to Whiterun to visit her at my house, the filthy swine.

marrying in this game has absolutely no meaning whatsoever, fucking gimmick.

The entire game is a gimmick.
>muh dual wielding
Fucking sucks and gives no real benefit.

>Camila: Come over
>Faendal: Can't. I'm hunting the ripe game in >Riverwood
>Camila: I'm alone

yep, I still prefer Morrowind

But it does have benefit as some spouses open shops and give you some of the profits. Also, sounds like you were butthurt.

It's funny because I killed everything that moved in the entire Riverwood area.

Mah Dunmah
Though truthfully I also enjoyed Oblivion, but not as much.

Oblivion was good, but not more. Ever tried Gothic or the Fallout series?
butthurt over what? a fucking game? are you one of those "special kids"?

No, sweet summer child, you are one of those special kids.

I think you recommended I play Gothic I & II in an earlier thread a few weeks back. We were talking about... Skyrim I think, we derailed it and started bullshitting about Morrowind and Oblivion being better.
tl;dr I took your advice and played Gothic and in the middle of Gothic II now, hard as fucking nails at first.
>don't follow the road
>explore the area
>too slow to unsheath weapon?

Lone wolf mofucker Awooooo!

it is a hard game, but it is fair. the progression of gothic one and two is perfect. The story is really awesome and the atmosphere of that game is pure gold.
have you played fallout one and two?
and yes i think that was me
Hot damn! you got me there buddy! calling me names and shit. dont you got some homework to do?

So basically Dark Souls

Not really, you can't just spam dodge like an instant "I win" button.


I love this chick

Aela is God tier

I played a dozen or so hours of both of them a while back, but I had played FO3 & NV before hand and the whole system felt too slow. If I had played it when it was new then I'm sure I would've enjoyed them a lot more, but I guess I'm just less patient as I get older.

Either Mjoll or Jordis

The lonely hag near Riverwood.


fallout one is really slow paced, but fallout 2 is really a great game. FO3 isnt as good as the other ones.
If you want another recommendation: never ever touch FO4. that game is a fucking crucifixion of everything that series ever stood for. new vegas is cool, i am just replaying it right now

Yeah, I watched a bit of a "Let's Play" of FO4, looked fucking horrible in relation to the spirit of the old games. After playing a bit of the original two I can really see what people are talking about with NV being much more in-line with the FO universe than FO3 ever was.

All these Outlanders playing Skyrim.
>fucking n'wahs

dont get me wrong, i played FO3 and it was not a bad game. i had my fun with it, but it was more a shooter than a RPG and you are right about the game not fitting in the universe.

I mean I didn't say it wasn't fun, but yeah, it was more a generic FPS than a Fallout.

FO3 was the first innovative game in the Fallout franchise. FONV was based on it

No one. Adventuring is a dangerous line of work and I wouldn't want to leave my widow and child without someone to care for them.

Game engine maybe, but not the game itself. Come the fuck on.

go back to your smoking pot nigg-nogg
>inb4 b8

ever played baldurs gate?
dude what?

You mean you don't stash mounds of gold in your house?

That is actually a good reason.

FO3 reinvigorated a ten year old franchise

Fuck you, kawakami best girl

Nah, haven't played BG yet. Did play... Dark Alliance? But that wasn't a true BG game, kind of a spin-off type thing.

Is there actually a mod for this?

Equating rebooting a series to revolutionizing gaming.
>bait to surpass the metal gear

than you definitely should give it a shot, it is cheap on GOG. just dont buy the remakes. You could try out Pillars of Eternity, it is kinda "BGish"

>Married on a video game
Never understood marriage or kids on a video game.
Don't even believe in marriage in realzies either, most people grow sick of each other and this day n age getting laid is a click away

I said most innovative in the series, not most innovative in gaming. Obviously it is not the most innovative in gaming. Stop trying to make strawmen arguments.

What if I told you that you can get married in real life and in a video-game?

Then you'd be a liar, because that faggot is never getting married.

Say goodbye to half your shit

well, I don't know about you guys but i got laid IRL and married ysolda in skyrim. crazy, right?

I'll put them on my 'things to check out' list, so far Gothic has been satisfyingly challenging.

I prefer the chick from the hags cure in Markarth, Muiri. Gotta murder her ex before she puts out, gives it that personal touch.


A click away, eh?
Took me five clicks to navigate through Craigslist


>not navigating via keystrokes

Gothic two still is my best of all time, so I do understand your satisfaction hehe

>Not navigating the web using a web-neural interface
You must be one of those... turbofags.

I don't think anyone who actually plays Dark Souls considers it one of the hardest games ever, it's just not pleb friendly.

The muscle memory you develop finishing the first one is enough to carry you through the rest with minimal deaths other than to new mechanics.

Ultra turbo-fag at your service, sir!

Damn. You took that so well. I must really be lame at insults.


Nah, I just like fucking with people. Really get enjoyment out of deflating insults or taunts.

A dragon priest

Here's a cookie


what the fuck faggot?

Im an orc

Anduin you bitch

Fucking nobody.

I'm too busy dealing with goddamn draugr, bandits, ghosts, vampires, sabercats, bears, trolls, giant spiders, assassins, werewolves, doing jobs for daedric gods, a fucking war, a second dragonborn that wants me dead, and FUCKING DRAGONS. I ain't got the fucking time to deal with marriage bullshit, some of us have to work.

I was single because I had to much anxiety so I fucked things up.

This is usually my choice as well. Certainly the cutest most attractive model they have in the game.

Ysolda is a cutie. No problems there.


You can often use a console command to make normally un-marriable characters open to marriage, but khajiits lack the necessary voicelines.

But you can look up mods for that.

Hold on there. You can get a waifu Babette? By talking to her while wearing an amulet of Mara?

Ysolda was my first

You get profits from a store, can make them cook food that works like a high-quality healing potion, and get a buff from resting together with them.

i did aela and then realised in further playthroughs she is the most obvious and pleby of tiers you can pick in

doesnt she have a child with another man?? that would make you cuckborn fus-ro-step dah!

Your thinking about the brunette who runs a food store in the same city. Different chick.


>loyal wife and fierce companion
>strong future kids
>sweet orc poontang

Console peasant

She's pretty popular, as far as I can tell.

I basically just cuck Alvor all game, I fucking love Sigrid