Are black women stronger than white men? What's your experience?

Are black women stronger than white men? What's your experience?

Like, in terms on strength? Of course black women are weaker.

in smell?

I heard that black girls especially in HS are often physically stronger than white boys if they do some sport.


That's not true at all.

Fuck white women.

Shill liberal thread.
When replying, sage.

Only their stomach. And only because they eat dog shit for food.

Black women have the most testosterone of any female. So yes she is stronger than you scrawny white boy.

Is Serena Williams stronger than Cristiano Ronaldo? Like could she beat him in armwrestling?

No that's not how biology works.










Why do coons always seem to have the WORST tits.

Shits are like sad bananas, and their asses aren't much better.

Probably not. Caucasian men are the strongest and statistically biggest humans on this planet.

EXAMPLE: Every world Strongman Champion is a white male. Usually with Germanic or Slavic origin.



hey how does one Sage in a sage thread?
also how do we know which field to sage when there is actually s thread about sage ?


No one believes black propaganda. If any of it were true we wouldn't be living in a white built world. End of................

>tfw no black gf

stronger smelling. have had the brillo clam. will never again



this... caucasian/white people are statistically tallest and heavier built than black people so they are also stronger than black people (atleast with my knowledge of physics and human anatomy)

t: asian (ps. we are the smartest ones)



what year did a fat ass become a big booty? 1991?
See I am old enough to remember before the mindwashing bs

looks latin nawt blaaik

to compare



Have you ever smelled a black woman fart? God almighty. I dunno if it's because back in Africa the large jungles and surrounding animal feces would cover it but it sure as hell doesn't translate well to the evolved countries.

To compare















Yeah, about that. Baby got back hit in '92. That and more extreme plastic surgery methods that have pushed the envelope.

I'm married to a black chick who has a pretty good size natural ass (and a bit of a sway back), and it can be annoying sometimes. She was a sprinter through junior/high school and was/is pretty athletic. I'd like it to be a bit softer at times, and kissing her when hitting it from the prone-bone position can be a pain in the ass. Especially with my short white-boy dick.

Unless you are an ultra weak-ass pussy, then no. Black women do have higher testosterone then white women, but men in general are going to be way stronger. That's not how it works, sparky.




Nah she's black,

Was she getting posted yesterday afternoon?

Blacks are subhuman

I don't think so

All the darker girls at my school were skinny / scrawny even when they were athletic

I dated this girl... Not op, she had a fat cock if need proof give me a sec to find it

An 80 year old white man is stronger than a 25 year old black woman.


Check up strength studies if you don't believe me.

People seriously doubt truly how weak women are.

Guess it was a similar girl, around -4/-5 GMT. I need to remember to talk about times, since I'm an amerifat and the world obviously works on Eastern Daylight Time (US).

Youth makes a big difference, even in college. You haven't hit the post 20's spread yet.


disgusting fat ass!

Yeah, the old lady teaches women's self defense, and a lot of it is about pressure points, making a fuck ton of noise to draw attention and getting the fuck out of there/not getting pulled to the ground.

White men are stronger than black men. Look at Olympics lifting medals.

A waste of the quads also!



Is just disgusting like that, imagine it in a couple of years!





Love me some phat black ass





Ugly fat whore full of make up and tattoos, horrible!













