A true hero

a true hero

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Pretty sure that's Andy Serkis.

6 months for hitting someone with an unopened pack of bacon? And not even hurting them in the slightest?

What the actual fuck UK.

Yaay, the rest of Europe is slowly going to shit, meanwhile no-one bats a eye at all the bullshit Russians do in the Baltic States, Poland etc.
But the guy is truly a real human and a real hero

you think so? i think he´s just plain dumb. like you, probably.

PC gone amok.

... someone who filmed the incident... i have to see it

6 months is ridiculous



Hello, Hillary. So sorry you lost.

That's why you call these guys

It's outrageous that western cultures are starting to get upset that Muslim people are coming to their countries and killing them in the name of their imaginary friend. This heinous white people should be locked up.

Mate, I live in Latvia, the Russians here are pretty much like niggers, too retarted to learn anything and most of them don't work. And no, I wouldn't have voted for Hillary, since she's a old hag that should die. Hell, I went out for a walk with my dogs and two fucks tried to rob me again. Also, check'd

In Canada, one can be jailed for using the "wrong" pronoun on a person.
This shit is coming to America thanks to liberals.

Only 6 months? Damn, would've thought the libtards would've given him 20 years.

>be scatvian
>get gangraped by ruskis

Smacking that teen with bacon? Those (goat)fuckers kill thousands and thats the best you can do? I guess uk and france are the same now lol

We can even be arrested for saying things on Twitter. This country blows.

No chance

He should have gotten a month of community service with no jail time. I don't know what to call it in England but in America they call it simple assault. He basically touched the kid. With bacon or his hand, doesn't matter. The "public order" offense is a trumped up charge. This extreme sentence is appeasement by a cuckold government. You U.K. fags need to vote better.

that man is an artistic genius.

not all heros wear caps

He might wear a cap. They may have made him remove it for the mugshot.

>They hijack 4 airliners and fly them into some of the most well known buildings in the world, causing the greatest televised event in History. Plus numerous other atrocities since

>You respond by throwing bacon at some random teenager in the street

Wow, he sure showed them

