Should I go all crazy? Im furious and this is the third time(not in a row though) shes bailing on me

Should I go all crazy? Im furious and this is the third time(not in a row though) shes bailing on me

Yss call her a bitch

she's cheating on you


dont act like a little bitch. wait for her to make plans with you next time, and start to move on

You've been cucked.

100% cheating on you bro.

what were your plans?

"Look, if you dont want to date, fucking SAY SO! I don't have time playing these mindfuck games with you."

OP here, she called me and said she changed her mind, so she's coming now. What's up with this behavior? Should I confront her when she arrives?

go kick her door in and assert your dominance

A girl worth her salt wouldn't put up with that, why should you? plus even if a mate bailed on me like that continuously i'd cut ties.
Just be real, why put up with this when you can find better women out there.

Don't get mad. Get even. Do that shit to her. Unless being passive aggressive is too beta for you, then just man up, confront her about it to her face (stay calm though) and if she does anything other than commit to doing better, leave.
Oh, btw, you're being cucked


She can't come because your dick is too small

Fuck u nigga if you would have common sense you should know that he is getting cucked and his gf is a hoe. Why the fuck should she text so cryptic on purpose?

Being passive aggressive is beta and pointless, unless you want to keep it going for the shag and play around, it's really fuckin pointless.
Be Alpha tell her straight, if she don't like it, walk, because if you're alpha you now you can get someone better.

lol dude she is cheating on you HARD. YOURE AN IDIOT

he's right, you know. if she starts puking out excuses then she's guilty.

Post her nudes as revenge. With face.

go full ape shit

Tell her to say hi to Tyrone for me :)

Yes. You have to talk about it. I don't think that you enjoy this insecure feelings every time this happens.

Either way OP needs to talk about this shit with her, but I'll say unless her mind is somewhere else because someones died, parents getting divorce or some other large shit she hasn't said yet, then move the fuck on OP

trips, deliver op.

Post pict of ur gf. She is sucking someone else dick right now. Post it nooooow

She's 17, I'm 21

>Phone has no internet
>All messages are iMessage
Pick one

So she's with you because you get her booze? that explains a lot. Stop supplying minors with alcohol, they're retarded enough as it is.

Nobody asked for ages. Trips demand nudes

Shea lying fam
She had internet

Did you have relationships before? If yes did you tell her about them?

OP, the reason you need to dump her bitch ass is because she doesn't respect your time. She doesn't value your time above hers, which is a HUGE red flag. If she respected you as a man, should would respond promptly, with enough information that wouldn't leave you asking questions.
She sees you as an emotional rug, and you're gonna let her continue to wipe her feet on you?

So will you be a cuck and take this or will you be a man and get revenge?

shes 17 ffs, OP needs to date someone his own age, that's why he's on Sup Forums asking these dumbass questions, because he's a insecure pussy who can't date a grown up, so he goes for girls who'll date him because it's taboo and they think he's more "mature" than other guys, it's fucking phase, nothing to save here, OP shits not going to last anyway, it's ran its course, go get a real woman n let teens be teens


Tell her if she wanted to make time, she would make time. And that it's over.

The thread's not over until he posts her nudes

This shit right the fuck here. I have an iphag and can kill my data and surprise, surprise I can still text. This is bullshit

Just start flirting with other girls, she will want you then.

Don't make a move that u can be accused of.

Go out with your female friend, go to a movie, snap it, tag it in fb or something. When she notices tell her she's a friend. If she cares she will make it happen that you won't have time for another movie without her.

If not then just start going out more, eventually she will be the one who broke up with you (you made no mistakes), she will seem "crazy", you just carry on with your scheme, that you are only a friend.

The hard part is no kissing or sex with outher female, everyone can blow your cover, just keep it to yaself. Eventually you'll see how much you mean to her, if you even do.

tl;dr Make her jelly and get her to dump you.

She realized you're going to be mad if she doesn't come. Tell her don't bother, you're going with Vanessa instead, or something.

No. Say this:
"Sorry, you can't come over. I just made plans to do other stuff so.."

Show her that wishy-washy is not fun

OP Sup Forums has spoken, we need nudes

Is 17 really consider a minor in the US? Here in Scandinavia you can by alchohol at the age of 16, and most drink before

Sup Forums has spoken OP, you have to deliver

Play her at her own game.
If she calls you out express your point that it's not polite & it won't be tolerated.
Then inform her it's "the last time this shit happens" & move on.

Dont act so clingy and needy, pretend like you don't give a fuck anymore, quit texting her, and maybe date around a bit. Fuck her bra

Yeah. No alcohol until 21 and no smoking or porn until 18.

I dont know a Vanessa now what i do!

Wait you have to be 21 to drink, but only 18 to smoke? That's retarded...

Alcohol is worse than cigarettes.

send them as text messages dickhead, not imessages
then her "my phone has no internet" excuse doesn't hold up

I had a girl like this op its a huge red flag anything else she does? She snappy

>not having it auto send as text if iMessage doesn't work