G/fur thread

g/fur thread









Pink hair guy to the left, dick placement comes out of his knees



got more of this??













Out of horse


i think it's from "the fall of the red riding hood" or something like that, by Jay Naylor


hey user this is a friendly thread, no body shaming


post dem all plox :3


>be me
>Bi curious me
>Have online friend I sext with all the time
>Always send each other gay furry boys
>Start to send nude guys
>Sends me pictures of guys in jockstraps and says I would look good in one
>Not sold on them and tell him I think they're a little too gay for me
>Few weeks later he sends me a pair and asks me to try them and keep them if I like them
>I like them way too much
>Go out and buy another four
>Take pictures and send some to him
>He loves them and says I have a great butt
>We end up going back and forth with pictures of each other
>Decide we finally need to just have sex
>We're meeting in September and I'm going to wear the jock he gave me

Anyone want to do me a quick favor before I go to bed?

Can I get some chubby butts? They're my favorite.




Does anybody have groping pics like this?


It feels like the rice I ate yesterday did a number on me. Worst part is the only food I have for today is reheating that rice.


yea of course, especially between consenting adults of different age groups

>those guys
The thread was dead.

How many of you have done something like this? Cum on your mirror and make out with your reflection passionately before you lick your own cum up

i have never done that and never will

That sounds depressing

I wonder what dog cock feels and tastes like

Where did you meet him?


It's actually pretty fun once you get into it and start to grind on the mirror and get really into the kissing

I suppose I could find it hot.


me irl

was capitalism social darwinism all along


Online, through a series of events on Facebook a few years ago

We've been friends for the last six years I think but only in the last year or so we started getting intimate. I know he's gay and I've been honest with him about wanting to be with guys and being openly sexual.

Only thing I've ever done with another boy was jack off and make out in my shower with him and that only left me wanting more


That shit is canon in the comics btw

It is actually. It's a little.more fun if you have some toys to play with.

I like to ride my dildo sometimes while doing it and then cumming everywhere while I'm still in a heavy makeout session

i haven't read the comics, i just saw the movie and it was ok

It was very good, although it butchers Rocket character; avoid the sequel.

What animals have the most attractive penises?

That sounds pretty hot actually. You ever eat your cum?

i forgot they made a sequel
i probably wasn't going to see it anyways, i'm not a big fan of superheros, comics, marvel, dc and all that


They certainly don't make for good filmmaking.

i cant bnelieve millenials are killing the dc marvel superhero movie undustry

people seem to like it though, and it's made money, for who knows what reason

it needs to die

Hello hello

>killing the dc industry
BvS was kino

Horses easy

Well I give money to it because I appreciate the literature it's based on and foolishly believe it'll make justice to it.

i liked iron man 1

cant understand this slangs

Translation: Batman V Superman: Ultimate Edition was excellent


More than a few times. I really like it when I ride the dildo and cum straight up onto the mirror where I'm making out. It makes it super easy.

I want to take like a cum selfie like that one pic and have cum dripping from my cock, all over the mirror and have it between my fingers and licking my.lips

I actually started eating healthier to make my cum taste better.

what the movie where superman went insane in the desert

i meant the films, i don't like the majority of them and the few that i do like are just okay

iron man was okay

i'm sure, i the superhero film i had seen previously was batman with heath ledger

You boys really like horses a lot I guess

That is pretty fucking hot dude. Yes I do.

>Here's the truth: a reporter got greedy for a scoop and went where she shouldn't have, Superman acted like some rogue combatant to rescue her, and people died. Don't invent a conspiracy theory to put back his halo, or yours.


I know, I was just explaining why I support their faulty system.



It's somethin', innit? One minute in Kansas livin' on a pancake so we come to the mountains. All downhill from here; down to the floodplain, arm at the bottom of the world. I remember one season the water came bad. I couldn't've been twelve. Dad had out the shovels and we went at it all night. We worked 'til I think I fainted, but we managed to stop the water. We saved the farm. Your grandma baked me a cake, said I was a hero. Later that day we found out we blocked the water alright - we sent it upstream. A whole Lange farm washed away. While I ate my hero cake, their horses were drowning. I used to hear them wailing in my sleep.

It's super hot, which is why it's so much fun. I know it sounds a little depressing but once you get horny, hard and start grinding and stripping it feels super natural. And if your cum is tasty that's just icing on your own cock... erm cake


So what's the last picture you lads jacked off to?

oo psychological pain

this jockstrapped hottie

Best soundtrack of the decade, too.

Can't sleep and it sucks.

bold words

Well I found a new fetish.
Wish I was facefucked like that

I'm a cat

I wish musicals were back in fashion, but we only get shit like La-La-Land. So good soundtracks aren't too hard to beat these days.

It looks very enticing.