Pennsylvania thread. Anything PA!

Pennsylvania thread. Anything PA!



Desired Hayden, 412

Any nudes?


Not that I've been able to find. user-in hasn't turned up anything, and the discords suck, so I have no clue what they have.

Any State College girls?

She's cute

Clearfield sluts?


Jackie Bechtold, 412

Aimie Nestlerode


Just notice autocorrect fucked her name up. It is Dezirey Hayden

Nice tits!


Only nude I have been able to find of Jackie.

You got a nice taste, user.

From Pittsburgh


Is she crazy? She's hot. There must be something wrong with her. Too hot not to be crazy.

Depends. she knows how to wield a sword. do you consider that crazy?


Is THAT what passes as attractive in Pennsylvania??? Yeesh!

Guess her age



another of her

Also curious. PSU sluts.

All of the girls in Clearfield? Pushing those baby strollers at age 14.

Are you from clearfield?

Bout 30-40min away. Bellefonte. We arent any better. Heroin and bastard children everywhere.

Small town.. people know each other.. eventually bang their cousins or half brother or sister that they didn't know they're related because they don't know father.

412. This bitch was an escort at one point, idk if she still is but got to finger blast her at friends wedding, never got to fuck her tho. Her pussy is beat the fuck up anyway got pics if anyone is interested

What was her pussy smell like?

From what i remember it didnt smell too bad but then again i was so shit faced and high on coke that i dont remember much from that day/night

The way you described it, it seemed like it reeked like a dead animal

Any Bellefonte or State grads?

I grew up in PA. What a shithole of a state.


I just moved here. I like it. There's still freedom compare to other places.


Depends what you're looking for I guess. Where'd you move to?

Just got back from Philadelphia. I thought it was a shithole at first but I warmed up to it a bit. Never been to the state before.

Clearfield. From Los Angeles. It's amazing. Quiet and people are very friendly.

>hurr i'm phillytard i like pats

go to south street nigger

Niggers everywhere

Probably since her shits been ran through. Still shes hot

Sad, isn't it? Life of a slut is fun when you're young. I guess I shouldn't say that. A lonely fool will fall for her trap and will marry her.

Any of this PSU girl?


not from philly Sup Forumsro...
just epic I found on the net. Had one someplace on Diamond street was nice, but to be honest was never at pats or ginos... have a nice day user

anyone know Eva B.? its like whatevah

Fuck you

Look at all these pitiful wins. Pa sucks ass

I would fucking cover her face

from the mainline, philly suburbs?

Please post more of Dezirey, she's fucking perfect

Whos going to warped the 14th? Sup Forums meetup?

She'd go for it. She opens her legs for any guy.

where my greene county faggots?

East side where you at?

Sounds like a wholesome gal, more pics of the slut?

Get over your commonwealth pride Sup Forumsro. There are beaners taking over all the interior cities like Reading, Hazleton, and the rest of the shit tier cities. Nigs run the two cesspool cities of Pittsburgh and Philthy. The rest of the podunk towns that litter the state are full of redneck retards who can't get enough heroin and meth to jam into their bodies.

Scenically, it's gorgeous. But that's about it.


Sad but true

From Hazleton and am well aware of spics running rampant in my hometown. As well as the awful shitsville towns filled with backwards rednecks who eat skoal for dinner. As well as the niggers that populate our 2 greatest cities.

But still, fuck you m8

Id rather be from PA then any flyover state or east coast state where there's 0 shit to do and 100% rednecks buttpluggin maverick long cut

I grew up outside of Stroudsburg, watched the area decline right before my eyes. Had the opportunity to see most of the state and see the same thing everywhere.

Here's what I'd tell you from my life experience now that I'm 46. Those flyover states you deride are just like PA, no better, no worse. They have the same fucking problems, same opportunities. I left PA because there weren't any jobs, and the future looked bleak. I went to college out of state, and never looked back. Best decision I ever made.

Get yourself out a Hazleton man, Head south and west where there is actually opportunity and shit happening. Hazleton and the whole area around it is lost - and it's not coming back. The whole northeast is finished. The public sector pension debt and loss of industry to more attractive states has sealed their fate.

Like I said in an earlier post, it's a beautiful state with great outdoor space to hunt, fish, and recreate in. But so does every place I've ever lived.

Best of luck to you Sup Forumsro, I feel for you.

I moved here from a big city. I've lived in big cities my whole life. I agree with you with opportunities. I think, it's better to raise a family in a small town. Children can still be children here. Unfortunately, teenagers tend to get into drugs because there's nothing to do here for them.

Funny, I'm glad I grew up there when I did for the same reason. My nephew is growing up in the same area I did, and his experience is way different than mine was.

I hope it goes well for you - if you're the guy who posted about living in Clearfield, it looks like a nice little place.

she's going to be in Dorny next week, want nudes?

It's not the same anymore but it's definitely better for children than a big city. Innocence is precious. City kids are exposed to a lot of things as young as possible. They get desensitized. Less morals than country kids. Most anyway.

yaaasss, dorney park and wild water kingdom bitches.

More like beaner park and wild monkey kingdom


I've got my kids in a 'burb outside a major city, and so far so good as far as keeping the sheltered from the bullshit. It's all about vigilance though, got keep on top of what they're doing.

Yeah, well, unfortunately, the public school system doesn't help either. They're the ones who teach the bullshiterry and other crap. There's no such thing as equality.

Nice dubs. Keep going

Anyone got heather davidson from Erie?

Ugly. Her age is ugly.

Fact. The dubs have spoken.

Philly is a shithole but we love it anyway.

At least it's better than Detroit.

Imagine that being your defense.

"Philly. At least we're not Detroit"

Here I got a few. Caroline from 215

Dubs of truth! It's all the drugs, cigarettes and sucking multiple cocks a day

Haha, "(full in the blank), better than Detroit"

Fuck Detroit. We have our ghettos but our good areas are fuckin amazing. Plus gentrification is saving this city. I hate yuppies and hipsters but I hate the degenerates in the ghettos more. They're welcome as long as they keep pushing the criminals out.

Cara from Philly suburb


nice dubs.

Implying the city can be saved.

Any city who elected a mayor with the last name "Nutter" needs to get bent. Now you have that fucktard Kenny who is a borderline austist mongoloid. Philly is doomed and is over run with chimps.

The only people getting saved are the developers getting fat cash, and the politicians they are paying off.


Tell that to people living in northern liberties, fishtown, port richmond, spring garden, fairmount, brewerytown, manayunk, or east falls. These neighborhoods used to be the murder capital of America a few years back. Put in a few modern townhomes and a bike lane and the temple, lasalle, drexel, and upenn kids go crazy buying it up. And the schools just keep growning.

And I work in law enforcement fuck my last 3 mayors. They're all incompetent and corrupt.

Stop samefagging no one cares about your ugly hamplanet of a girlfriend

Jess R in the 412

Then you know the real score, I'm not telling you anything.

You can dress up a few neighborhoods for sure, but that shit lurks just a block or so away.

You're nasty. Here's more.


Sadly only one I have of her. Great one night stand. No last name, no phone number, no nothing. took that on my way out as a friendly reminder

Lol I just got to this thread, no clue what you're talkin about bro lol

And I have no standards haha any nudes?