Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

all my friends have girlfriends, and they make out with them and go out to the movies and shit, and I just stay inside playing on my PSP and posting here.

i am tired of being a lonely Sup Forums. how do i gf?

wash ur face lol

Rootin tootin raspberry.

Go to your Dr. Get roaccutane. Profit.

Go to a dermatologist!

learn sign language so you can date a blind girl some of them are pretty hot

when my acne began i literally smash every one of them till my face was covered in blood, then they just healed and got no more acne, at least not in my face hehe now they moved to my back D:

>>"learn sign language so you can date a blind girl"

r u stupid?

> sign language

Fuck if you make out with a blind chick she will wonder what book your throwing in her face

A grenade always works

what kind of school you go to?

I second this - it's a wonder drug

First of all you gf will be ugly as you or more ugly

Try the nigger fat bitchs
Usually falls for money

No, you are not gonna get some cute gf and if you don't like that fact just kys

delete face with razor blade

Get laid

Find a girl with worse acne.

there is the first step. See a Doctor.

Fucken go to do and get meds


>how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?
Do you mean...
I want a gf with acne like this ...
... or ...
I have acne like this ... how do I get a gf?


Lay off the games and grease. And yeah, wash that shit, fagget

pic related?

fuck you and this fucking thread everyday.
kys please

Its ok user, just don't pick at it. I had acne too- it'll clear up. The less you pick at it the less scars you'll have later. After you wash your face, change all of your bedding, esp your pillow cases. If you jerk off, don't touch your face because sweat. Really its about patience and keeping clean and eating less meat and oily food, maybe doing some light work out or long walks.
Concern yourself less with pussy and more with self improvement and pussy will come eventually- for real.


Can't believe y'all fallin for pretty old pic. This has been posted over and over again.
