What is the best way to learn to play Metal on a guitar when you don't know how to play guitar in the first place?

What is the best way to learn to play Metal on a guitar when you don't know how to play guitar in the first place?

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Learn to play guitar.

Better to start acoustic or electric?

Learn a more useful and less outdated skill

How is metal outdated?

Learn some chords and learn to read tabs.

the only real answer: get a distortion pedal.

if you're good, from there you'll learn. metal isn't really hard to play.

Learn to play country, ooh and power cords. 99% of "metal" is just the same power cords played over and over again with some shitty ass distortion.

Autistic guitar is probably the best thing to learn OP

>Autistic guitar

Depends on what you want to play. For metal you want electric. I recommend either Ibanez or Yahmaha guitars for beginners. They tend to have thinner necks which will make it less awkward starting out. Unless you have really huge hands, and the. It's not as much of an issue. Ibanez is one of the brands metal guitarists tend to prefer anyway, albeit that will ultimately boil down to personal taste, and individual instruments will be a much bigger factor than brand.

Thank you!


Ive been playing for like 4 years.. its pretty much bar chords and power chords... oh and alternate picking.
Id go for an ibanez like said. Maybe an Ibanez GIO..If you wanna spend more go for something like a schecter

Listen to Disney music on headphones when you play

Im this guy - also depends on string guage and pickups.. youd normally want humbuckers and a thicker guage string like 12

I agree with both these guys

Also, don't shrug off on practicing your basics.
The ultimate way to learn any instrument is really just to put in a lot of time.

Aye, 10,000 hour rule and all that jazz

Start with easy melodies and riff from bands like Metallica, Sabaton or AC/DC.
Learn how to read and play after "Tabs"
(Songsterr is a nice place)

Buy yourself an acoustic guitar (I would recommend steel) and play everything you can come up with. idk McDonalds theme, just anything with a melody!

Check youtube, learn new tabs, talk with people on forums, PLAY EVERYDAY UNTIL YOUR FINGERS BLEED! :)

Do not take guitar lessons cuz that is useless in the when you are new to an instrument... (it's good when you want to learn about music theory later on tho)
Just play everyday and learn to control your guitar.


Thank you!

>not take guitar lessons cuz that is useless in the when you are new to an instrument
Get the lessons, learn to read music.
Lessons will teach you basics that make being really good possible. I've seen people who've been playing for years who don't know how to warm up, hold the instrument properly, can't read music. They get tired quickly, can't invent stuff and can't get the best out of the instrument. They have to record something to remember it and work it out later, with no way to note it down.
Do a few lessons, listen to experienced players, they will rocket you forward with tunings, insight and maybe even help you love the practice.

Then when you feel that you know your stuff, can play super mario theme and the legend of zelda.
Buy an electric guitar (I would recommend ESP or Ibanez) if you have a local musicstore, ask them and try some guitars.
Then you need a good combo amplifier.
I bought a little monster called Blackstar ID:30, and I would REALLY recommend you to buy that one. It has everything you need for metal.

Lessons are gold worth if you find a good teacher, but the problem is that a teacher often make everything so boring. So be sure that you wanna go all in before you do that.

You should at least know how to play all you favorite Heavy metal riffs and some video game themes before you actually seek out a teacher.

Read on the internet and watch some beginner videos. Because if you start out with a teacher, you'll probably spend all that money and time on practicing how to move your fingers and navigating the guitar, and that is not something a teacher should have to teach you.