China Thread

China Thread

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I like how you can see her look up from her phone just before she puts her foot down.
>lol oopsies, about to crash! #clearmybrowserhistory

ching chong chinaman


wait.. wat? why is she hitting the guy? Did I miss something?

When I lived in China for a year, there was this girl who I convinced natty ice was like traditional American beer, like a cultural touch stone. It was fucking great watching he try to stomach that swill when she visited America.

>chink = stupid
>woman = stupid
>chink woman = 2*stupid
got it?

Can't have a thread without this one.

that's exactly why you should never help stupid people.

Actually : Never help, period

Maybe it was his idea
Maybe she's a female and therefore blames her man for everything that goes wrong
Maybe she's a retired cage fighter and was trying to tap out
Maybe I should go to sleep.

what a fuck mess country

blame closest person and hit him
typical woman reaction


Don't go cosplaying in China.


It's like she didn't even try to slow down....


That's extreem

Some guy was dressing up as Judge Dredd in public.
Police apprehended him, took him away to the bush area, then executed him by shooting the back of his head, the same way the russians executed the polish in katyn.


>Be me, Chinese
>Wake up and ready to go and work for 16 hours
>Take stairs because elevator snapped and killed a family
>Omw to work, dodge motorcyclist who crashed 2 feet from me and kills 3 more people
>Continue walking, almost get sucked into a pothole
>Finally clock in at oil station ready for my shift
>Light a cigarette

Every Chinese people's routine

There one with white people. Also a woman who thinks she can weigh down a fork lift. Same fate.

Wich is by law in China punishable by death ? Public fucking execution lol ?

Reminds me of Stickdeath.

It's not the only webm with someone dressed as Judge Dredd. There's another where a Dredd cosplayer beats the shit out of a guy with a hammer on a train because he was chewing seeds, which bothered passengers.

I think it's a vigilante problem.

Traveling through China, I was amazed by how orderly and safe a lot of the places I was at were. And then I left the tourist-y areas. Watched a car slowly bump several moped out of the way, without a single fuck given.

Wait, so they killed the person trying to help by getting rid of the bad people. He basically doing the police's job for free and gets executed for it?
Are chinese being smart just a meme?

Stickdeath Car Security.

>Are chinese being smart just a meme?
You seem to have confused the chinks for nips


That looks like a man.


I think that's what he's trying to determine

should I be concerned for the safety of my cousin who is a christian missionary in china? since missionaries aren't allowed there, she has to be all undercover secretive and shit and hold meetings in a basement and be very careful about who she invites.

By sucking his cock?



They asked him nicely


Oh noooh! I shppin too fast!

The Chinese do not experience empathy and do not display altruistic characteristics like other races.
This is even apparent when they are viewed in a historical context.
Shooting a single man in the head really is not extreme for the Chinese when compared with setting entire towns of people on fire.


>dock that man's pay for raying down on job!

there are way more men than women in China
so the guys who look like women are the others bitches

This is his best vid

Post ore chingrish captions to these. I always piss myself laughing.

asians are so bad behind the wheel

can anyone who is asian please explain why you're so bad at driving and why you don't help people who get into accidents?

It was explained in the other thread. I really don't know why they are terribad drivers but for the not helping its becauae they only help close immediate family members and its better to kill to person you had an accident with than help them

1. shitty brakes
2. helping might end up with you paying their medical bills

that said, after a kid was hit & killed and ignored by 20 passerbys while he was crying in pain, they put in a law where you now get penalized for not helping

Who the fuck was that who came flying in and cracked his head? Captain China?


Judge Dredd cosplayer. They like to play vigilante.

This webm features one of them being executed by police:

>Captain China

>Judge Dredd cosplayer
Holy shit, that's even funnier than Captain China

It's been revealed on here many times that the hammer is rubber and the whole thing is a publicity stunt, put on in order to attempt to get people to act more civilized on trains. as in don't spit seeds.


That being said no idea about the execution one

the guy with the hammer was a fake show. it was a set up for views on social media.

I hate the Chinese, not sure if they're Chinese, but if they are then this is perfect. Fuck China.

Its fake retards, this shit has been exposed a while back.

It's like a shitty version of Judge Dredd.

Train one is fake, but the backtown execution is the real deal.

That's some ancient shit right there, boyo.

kek end reaction

pretty much this


Those two words should never be used in the same sentence unless both words appear consecutively with "are not" in between.

>cousin is a Christian missionary

You should be concerned because your cousin is a fucking idiot, both for being religious and for being in China.

is there another way?

Hahahaahahahah i love how he moves fwd and her legs get caught up in the wheel well.

>everyone else is fine with this
>she just goes back to dancing right in front of his face
I don't understand

>and here, mr cheng, we have lath-

Story? Did he drive them off a cliff?

okay.. so knowing the material exceeded the forklifts capabilites (thats why the dude on the background sits there).. they still move the material all the way up instead of a couple centimetres abiove ground so nothing can happen.

why? why does someone learn how to drive a forklift and not learn this super simple strategy of avoiding damage?

THIS is driving off a cliff:

thats why you always. *always*, ALWAYS wear your hard helmet. sometimes stuff like this kills you anyway but atleast fucking attempt to stay alife.

i full of energy now!

It's literally not, you failed me.

This is the most fucked up one out of all of them-

ish ok! just need time to unwind!


never skip leg day

What the fuck was he expecting to happen?

How can anyone be so stupid as to not realize that the elevator isn't magically going to be waiting for you if the door is forced open? Does he think the elevator is just gonna shoot up to his floor automatically?

Or was this deliberate suicide?

I've watched it 20 times already but my mind cannot comprehend what is happening.

some other user put it in nicer words, but the basic idea is
>in asia people work really hard
>like, they work so amny hours per week that sleeping in public is seen as a sign of a worker so good he forcibly falls asleep while on the way home
>if you work really really hard the sleep deprication and exhaustion gets to you
>so the culture of some asian countries is literally #1 do not, ever, annoy anyone #2 the rest of the culture
>and when theres some even oh so tiny thing wrong with how your day is going
>they go absolutely apeshit about it
>because it only takes so little to tip a man over the edge there
>in this case, the elevator had to SUFFER for his lack of courtesy waiting

>how can anyone be so stupid

He's Chinese, can't help being stupid.

they shay i well posted!

Daaaamn!! The way that bicyclist get owned by that lamppost.

>that guy who almost got away but gets smacked by the lamppost

I don't know why but this one always make me laugh

>sides are in orbit

Darwinism at its finest

and Haotong finishes the round with a double bogey. He'll be disappointed with that.

because your women in america are cucked full of feminism and think nonsense

>my mind cannot comprehend what is happening.
maybe its cause youre black. have you checked your sskin color lately?

10 hey man let go! let go! let go! not cool! let go of me!
20 ok he let go, cool.
30 I dance more. maybe he no do it again
40 goto 10

Dude passing in a spinner wheel going 3d to 2d to 3d again

Make sense.

In fairness she was dead as shit at that point

i saw a gif of this once where it was captioned "looks clear to me" SMASH!

needless to say ii lmao'd

Subway: Eat Flesh