YLYL only things you've lost to edition

YLYL only things you've lost to edition





















thank you for reminding me this image exists








Stupid fucking yellow things, can't escape them

I lost but then I looked at rest of this thread and feel like I won in the end.

God is dead















It's sad that you have this kind of time, and you squander it.



Genuinly lost but thread was ruined :(

it's summer holidays. i have time. i'm a literal summerfag.

This cos his face

Cancer edition from the looks of it

Trips calls it

Mow check

How can you compete, wite boi?

Mods please delete this thread



Worst ylyl thread ever


I see the cancer banana is very strong, even after all these years.











it's true?
Watches at $ 0?










Sooooo funny!!!!



want moar?






The inverted tequila shot; classic


The younger guy's faces were way better. I don't want to take away from his moment, but the old guy got a pity win.





Every time
