My cat is fucking gay, should i kill it?

My cat is fucking gay, should i kill it?

yes but only after you kill yourself

That was the plan anyways

Go. Do it.

Is that your kitty?

Also wtf happened to Sup Forums. We used to swat and DOXX people for threatening the lives of a cat.
Nonetheless, I want to see the cat die anyways. Kill it with fire and post webm.

Get let your cat die from the inevitable Cat AIDS that it will soon contract.


You should kill yourself instead.

you should juts hold him down and make him cuddle you every day against his will. eventually he will begind to like it, but protip: he really will not.

this will induce a conflict in his cat mind that he cannot resolve, and will be worse than death for him.

Not just it is gay, but also black.
Kill the fucker

Your cat is Al Di Meola, should you listen to it?

Thanks for the good idea, will consider


Just stop fucking it in the ass, It'll get better all by itself

The fact that it came in your mind to do it is gay yes user. Please don't reproduce we have enough gay people

Let me give you some advice...

Don't kill your cat. But if you must, do it humanely.

No, kys instead

>Also wtf happened to Sup Forums. We used to swat and DOXX people for threatening the lives of a cat

user knows what's up. Yeah if you do kill it, post webm and several pics so we can find you and fuck you up :D

>My cat is fucking gay, should i kill it?
Maybe he is straight but feels he has to have sex with you to keep getting cat food?

What are you, fucking stupid?
Fuck no, it didn't do shit to you
You fucking sick fuck, how would you like if that cat killed you for no reason? Now go cuddle with that sweet, loving innnocent cat and contemplate therapy, fucking sick prick


More like Al Di Meowla

Would that count as murder/suicide?

Didn't explain why your cat is gay.

As always, OP is a fagot.
