How does something like this even happen? absolutely disgusting

how does something like this even happen? absolutely disgusting.

what is even the question?

Kek looks like a one dollar bill at the top of that stack. She must be moving seriouse weight on that phone

you can't even see the dollar yet you're so desperate to be funny. I feel bad for you.

Bump for pics

yes absolutely disgusting! I hope nobody posts those pics here in this thread!


OP you are late on discovering this. This is old news.


what the fuck is a "cash me outside" girl?

Agreed. Don't want to see her newds in here

her sweet ass


someone just post the nudes already

geesh, david spade lookin like a creeper f'sho. Also this chick reminds me of my ex, who was also an insatiable whore.

Don't look it up.
She's stupid, said a stupid line, it became a meme and she rode the gimmick to brief fame.
She's an asshole and her popularity makes me frown at normies.



Her nudes are shit. She is only a C cup at best.



>implying that there are nudes

who is this bitch?

Where they at tho

bump for nudes

The only reason I sorta like her is that this bitch and her mother scammed Dr Phil and became famous off it. It reminds me of the Dick Masterson thing only this is something that started real

I read it on the internet it must be true


Why are you guys so dumb.
Tho, if for any reason, mostly science, i second the posting if nudes.


there are bruh. It is a part of the leaks that have been occurring. You would know that if you used vola

Stupid normie meme where you give her money for being "preety"
I want everyone involved to die in a terrorist attack

Clearly, this person is secretly hoping someone will

Requesting cp is a bannable offense, and also a felony in the United States. Reported.

someone was posting them in another thread before it got deleted. were blurry anyways


You on that advanced level autism dude



Your mum's a whore and you smell like fishfingers

That chat website thing?


Announcing you reported someone is a bannable offense newfag.


id ?

Stop banning me mod faggots im sick of resetting my router.


shhhhhhhhhh im trying to make 13 year olds shit their pants

I kekd user



can we get her sued for cloning the Champion sweater logo?


Covered under Fair Use for satire or parody.



Wtf is oreo thins?

a lie

Its like oreos but thinner

What is so special about this grill and why is she called cash me outside

reverse of double stuffs

basically the worst parts of the cookie with sawdust in the middle


I'd rather drink bleach

God amongst men


Any interesting vola links?

honestly, why are niggers even allowed to be in our society and gene pool? political correctness is actually hypocritically racist and horrible because it only targets certain people to help; but not all, and political correctness has caused niggers to be integrated into our society, and by 2030, whites will actually become a minority, because of niggers fucking women of the great white race with their dindu nuttins and their we wuz kangz n shit and their 'big nigger cocks' despite the fact that in reality, according to a multitude of studies including "An anthropometric study of male external genitalia of 320 healthy Nigerian adults", niggers actually have on average smaller cocks than males of the great white race. niggers also believe theirselves to be stronger, taller, and more athletic than the great white race, but this has also been disproved. therefore, we should not allow niggers to waltz around our delicately crafted society, acting like they're the leaders of it, despite the fact that they used to be our slaves, working day after night for no pay, only food and the slightest bit of shelter. we need to take back the great white race, we need to show that we are dominant over niggers. so, the next time you see a nigger, don't be afraid to take a rope, tie it into a noose, and fucking lynch that god damn sub-human filth

almost see her sloarch there



Finally someone shorter than David Spade
