I've been gangstalked/gaslighted for over 2 years. AMA

I've been gangstalked/gaslighted for over 2 years. AMA

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what is your gender?
tell us some of your experiences.

Wtf is gaslighted


>ex gf would talk to someone outside the window then deny she was talking to anyone
>heater turned up in car in the summer, a.c. in the winter
>people moving shit around my property

Just a few


are you in a position to break up, move, or help your gf?



I have moved away.

Some more examples? Greentext us a story.


Keep the thread bumped, I'll type one out




Bare with me, got a phone call

Sauce on the gif?

NSA offered a job, I think. They said it would all stop If I agreed to do the same thing to other people. I told them no.


heard any voices lately? dont let them touch you. seen anyone vanish like a ghost?

Being serious here- do you have a carbon monoxide detector?


No you haven't.

just so you know, we are only trying to gang rape you we dont have any other business with you. the sooner you are willing to take it like the little girl that you are the sooner will be gone


Take your medicine


Radon gas detector?

Didn't think so. See you.

Check the batteries, I'm not trying to be funny, it literally sounds like there might be a CO leak in your home

OP, is this you?


>Getting ready for bed
>have outside flood lights on
>notice figure of person by my bedroom window
>point it out
>"Right there, that's a persons shadow"
>"fuck you, I'm going to check it out"
>gf has flash light with red/gree/white settings
>as soon as I head towards the door, she shines her flash light on the window on green setting
>run outside as fast as I can
>they are already gone
>go back in
>me "wtf, why'd you shone a green light on the window?"
>gf "I didn't shine any light, your tripping"
>start arguing
>notice shadow on window again
>"look there it is again"
>as soon as I say it, she's grabbing her flash light
>flashes green light on window
>run out side but they are gone again

Take 50mg of seroquel before bed everyday and all will get better.

>come back in, pissed
>"wtf, why do you keep warning them?"
>"there's no one out there."
>start arguing more
>there's that FUCKING shadow again
>say nothing and get Mossberg 500 out of closet and box of 00b
>She shines red light on window this time
>walk out loading shotgun, luckily lived in country
>squat under pepper corn tree in shadows
>spot what looks like a person
>take aim and say "bang" kinda loud
>person is off my property so even that was illegal to do
>go back inside and start arguing with gf again
>continue with similar cycle til around 4am
>pass out in chair in room exhausted

Next time, you see that shadow put some night vision goggles on and if someone's on your property shoot them.

it's true?
Watches at $ 0?

No, it was/is all real. Last September I got in my car and left out of nowhere for a month. Just kept driving, went half way across the country and back and in that whole month nothing. None of my shit fucked with. No sense of being followed or watched. No voices. Nothing.

Can't afford nv, and I could never catch them on my property.

more stories?


That green text was probably the most extreme night as far as I can remember. I was also attacked with Direct Energy Weapons too. I could green text that.

yeah pls do

For what reason would you be a target? What makes you so special?

Every phone or tablet ive gotten over the past 2 years gets rooted. Theyll fuck with me when i jerk off. Change videos, turn volume up or down, take pictures of me jerking off, all kinds of shit.

are you sure it's not your brain fucking with you?

This thread. Seriously? Why would dark forces fuck with you? Why?

What makes you think you're so important that people are actually fucking with you like this? Maybe when you drove cross country you got a chance to relax but when you came back you got all stressed again and started imaginating things


I'm interested in hearing about the energy weapons

OP get away from that bitch

moar of dat assss

What do those words mean?

Okay, if it only happens at your house, it's clearly done sort of gas leak. Get a carbon monoxide detector. Seriously. Stop putting those you care about in danger because of this

Fucking this. The NSA wouldn't waste their time gaslighting some fucking loser.

Dude I don't think you should own a shotgun

>in bed with gf
>feeling super uneasy, can't put finger on why
>gf friend gets up and makes a big show of getting her handcuffs out
>sets them on table under window
>She lays down and goes to sleep
>handcuffs made me even more uneasy
>start getting the feeling someone is outside my house
>sit up and browse 5chins on phone
>Can't shake uneasy feeling
>get up and grab machete and a couple screws and hang macheteon wall above bed
>had already sold shotgun and pistol at this point
>after about 30-40 minutes start feeling disoriented
>see window slide open about half an inch
>jump up, grab machete off the wall
>wtf, it was slightly magnetized to screws
>"What are you talking about? All screws are a little magnetic."

We got into a big fight and I left to take a walk and sort my mind. Kind of hard to remember exactly what happened after I jumped up. A few months later while doing some research i found an article on DEWs and the use of low frequency electromagnetic waves to induce hallucinations.

These are cute /x/ style green texts but they mean fuck all if you can't justify why you're a valid target. It's really taking away from the story telling. Next time you shit post about this make sure you open with a juicy carrot about how you uncovered some secret or developed some ground breaking tech they sabotaged it some shit.


Timestamp faggot
I'd really rather not say in this thread.

This is why we can't have nice things. Plausible deniability is for bitches.

I hadn't a friends who used to think this stuff. The cause was to much meth

I think you're a schizo

Rather not say or just can't think of anything plausible

God touched me and have me a very powerful message.

The true meaning of the Holy Trinity is

>The Father
>The Son
>The Holy Spirit

The archangel Gabriel did not give Mohammed the Holy Qur'an, the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ did. When Mohammed left, his followers had a split, one side wanted to teach Islam as it was given to Mohammed. The other wanted to change Qur'an and say it was not Christ but an angle who brought the Qur'an. This became the Sunni Shiite split.

Are you fucking retarded? Tell her to knock that shit off and grow up.

No more problems.

Also, the symoguoge of satan will be formed soon. The vatican, the state of Israel and Saudi Arabia will be out aside their differences to create the Church of God, but it will be the Church of Satan. After that, the antichrist will reveal himself.

Tbh it sounds like you are delusional. No sane person would do something like this in this manner:
>continue with similar cycle til around 4am
>pass out in chair in room exhausted
Also, this part has her directly contradicting herself:
>me "wtf, why'd you shone a green light on the window?"
>gf "I didn't shine any light, your tripping"
>start arguing
>notice shadow on window again
>"look there it is again"
>as soon as I say it, she's grabbing her flash light
>flashes green light on window
How do you not point that out to her? Is your girlfriend even real?

For your sake I hope you're making this up

Sadly I'm not. Every time I tried to point something like that out to her, she'd just deny it. It was a nightmare. Imagine watching someone's shadow go acrossthen be told it wasn't there. Hi outside an take pictures of foot prints, "I don't see anything." Record her having a conversation with someone, "I don't hear anything." The worst part was she systematically isolated me, so I had No one to show any of this too.

wow you're scaring the shit outta me and it's the middle of the day. dis gon b good

I'm saying this as someone who is concerned for you. You are not being completely rational. If you are acting the way you describe yourself as acting you may be suffering from a psychological affliction. Since you seem to have very easy access to weapons I'm encouraging you to seek a mental health evaluation.

OP, do you really have a live, human girlfriend you have introduced to somebody else, and with whom somebody else has talked? Or is she someone special only you can see?

Do you have these pictures and recordings to provide us?

>Seek a mental health evaluation.

He's not suicidal m8.

You don't have to be suicidal to have mental health problems.

psychological warfare terms

I was, and am now again, usually a very calm level headed person. It was at its worst last summer and sense we are not living together these types of things have stopped. My phones still get rooted, I still get followed but the real crazy shit stopped. I take no psych meds, I moved, cut off everyone I know and I've almost gotten back to a normal life again. It was real.

Why does it have to be an alphabet soup agency? Maybe some form of weird revenge. He did something to the girl, and being a woman a little bit of pussy is enough to get most guys to go along with what ever she wants.

>It was real.

I'm not mentally ill, I was gangstalked/gaslighted. I was systematically manipulated and put under severe psychological stress so that to the casual on looker I seemed insane.

This is completely fucked. I hope it all works out for you and maybe you can get some revenge on whoever is doing this to you. If you are sane like you say you are. You have to outsmart them eventually. Set a trap. Set up some surveillance. Dump your girlfriend. Find these people and find some answers. Hire a private investigator. There is someone out there with a grudge against you using psychological warfare tactics

Wait, are you the same person that posted this:
> weird religious revelations are the reason an unknown agency is stalking and gaslighting me
Yeah, idk buddy but if that's you, I was following you up to that point right there.
If this is you I'm pretty sure we can show you why you are being irrational about this and are indeed in need of psychiatric care, even if what is happening to you is perhaps done to you by others.
I mean I could literally just prove that to you. Which doesn't ensure that you'll be open to considering it.

please tell more stories op. that shit is terrifying what you said about shadows and people outside your window.

A month before this all started is when God came into my life. I made the mistake of making a thread on /x/ detailing what God has given me. A week later the wierd shit started, with in 6 months I had a gf he'll be my on driving me insane.

Ok now I'm positive you need to see a psychiatrist.

>ITT: People really fucking dumb not knowing what gaslighting is or fucktards trolling

I've been there OP, they'll get bored eventually and if not then threaten the bitch. I bet she'd stop because she couldn't risk an investigation.

OK I'm skeptical as to your being sincere because why the hell would you take something like that to /x/ of all places.
But sincere or not, both merit showing why what you are proposing is irrational.
Basically, in
what you are claiming is you either just had these propositions revealed to you without any kind of positive, tangible and undeniable proof, or, you did in fact obtain positive tangible and undeniable proof.

In the first case, why would anyone care? There would be no need to silence you because people could not distinguish you from a random religious maniac. You seem to behave as if they would tho which shows the irrationality of your state in this case.

In the latter case, OK... So you have found definite tangible proof of the claims you made there... Through revelation apparently, but that doesnt matter. The point is, if you claim to be able to prove these things, your discourse is still completely unhinged. Because, whether you actually can prove them or just claim you can, whether you believe it or not, etc... what you claim implies you can prove the existence of God. The fact that you seem to think the things you mention about the trinity would be the salient part of such a discovery, not the fact that you could definitely prove the existence of God to your fellow human, proves that your discourse lacks sound, common-sense perspective.

So either you are a poser or you are delusional. Even granting that you did in fact discover such a proof, it shows that you have lost perspective.
So given that the only case to consider in which you would have perhaps found such a proof is one in which you have lost common sense perspective, well that makes it sort of more likely that is the reason you feel like you've made the discovery in the first place, doesn't it?