This doctor just shot 7 people at a hospital in NYC

This doctor just shot 7 people at a hospital in NYC

He finaly sees the answer, moverpopulated and retards need to die.

Fake and gay
Niggers can't be doctors


Some one forgot to eat their apples today.

Around blacks never relax

He shot one person, then himself. Guess that was one nigger that didn't want the welfare.

Affirmative action makes it way easier for a nog to become a doctor and land a sweet job even when their grades are garbage

CNN reporting him as a dark skinned white male

need more gun control too bad its a form of entertainment at this point

Go control a dick faggot

Very true but it's not affirmative action. It's college quotas and race based scholarships. Colleges fall all over themselves to get black people in, and try to help them succeed in classes. Even when they can't read or do simple math. I had a black friend who went to a private college and they did everything in the world for him. He was a great guy but he wasn't college material. I walked into that same college to try to take a couple of courses and they wouldn't even talk to me. They were extremely rude.

>give nigger a job
>get shot

Don't make this shooting about race because it's too easy to turn it around on you. You know... because it's not like white people ever shoot up places.

its okay to have small dick user you dont need a gun

it's almost impossible to get a carry permit in NYC lol


But ALL niggers, even rich doctors, are violent animals


>It's college quotas and race based scholarships.
That is affirmative action though.

Like richboy Elliot Rodgers?


Statistically, they kill way less than black people when you consider that they make up a majority of the country.

I only know the connotation. Affirmative Action to me means jobs and federal perks for companies or govt agencies who meet a quota. Maybe to others it means something else.

Not really worth arguing about the semantics. I think we agree it's not a good thing, whatever you call it.

Same can be said about whites.

Why are companies and universities so worried about diversity?

race quota = affirmative action

Diversity of a universities constitutes 25% of university ranking.