Ask a dude with a pussy between his legs anything

Ask a dude with a pussy between his legs anything

haha wordplay

who took the picture?

who would you guess?

your gay bf


What happened to the kegs?

post pic of him


is that an elmo plushie?


That is an itty bitty titty committee viceroy.
aka female.

czeched them dubz

what do you think of using pineapple as a pizza topping?

hate it. but earlier i liked it

Why do you only shave your left goose egg?

only legs?

you see hair anywhere?

How old your cat is?

2 years

where'd you get it

friend's cat had a litter

What's with the fag shorts?

it's true?
Watches at $ 0?

test hjgfj 123

I only have girl shorts

What's with your shoes? Are you a faggot?


You look like the girl shorts wearing faggot.

was gonna do it but still shipping cost so nah